Camp Casey Keeps Growing

August 22nd, 2005 - by admin – 2005-08-22 00:53:57


More and more people from around the country are arriving in Crawford to join Camp Casey in its new location adjacent to Bush’s property.

Read about yesterday’s events:

Beatrice Saldovar has come to Camp Casey to represent the Torres family whose son– her nephew– Daniel was killed in Iraq in February 2005, and she has done so with the utmost grace. Listen to audio of her extremely powerful story:

Co-Sponsors Keep Signing on to Resolution of Inquiry
There are now 48 co-sponsors of H Res 375, which requires the President to turn over information about war planning in 2002. The four latest are Congressmen Barney Frank, Elijah Cummins, Rush Holt, and Gregory Meeks.

The Resolution will likely be voted on in the House International Relations Committee between Sept. 6 and Sept. 16. The more congress members who co-sponsor, the more likely some committee members are to both vote Yes and engage in a serious debate in the committee.

The ranking Democrat on the committee is Tom Lantos. Here’s a report on efforts to lobby him and what you can do to help:

In the past month, many of you have asked your Representative to co-sponsor. Please keep up the pressure.

• Call your Representative’s Washington Office (ask for him/her by name at 202-224-3121, or search by your address on the right side of ) and ask for the Legislative Aide who handles international issues.

Take good notes on your conversation and report back to us here:

• Here is information about the Resolution of Inquiry:

Leave My Child Alone
Did you know… that the infernal No Child Left Behind Act has a sneaky Pete section requiring high schools to turn over student information to military recruiters? Yikes.

What do we do? Any way you look at it, this is a family privacy nightmare, another strong-arming of our local schools, and a creepy warm-up to the Draft. However, it’s also a great excuse to get together in action.

So whether you’re a parent, teacher, school administrator, veteran or just another adamant American concerned about privacy rights, look for an action to your liking on this site:

Congressional Education Day
On September 26, United for Peace and Justice (UFPJ) is organizing people from all around the country to meet with legislators and their staffs to urge them to stand up against the war.

We are asking UFPJ member groups and allied organizations to organize meetings with Representatives in their Congressional District.

If your group is planning to bring a delegation to pressure your Representatives and Senators, phone those offices right away this Monday and set up appointments on Sept. 26 with your elected officials or their staff. Then register your group on the UFPJ website:

If you are an individual interested in joining an existing delegation, send an email to and a coordinator will respond to you.

Read this Lobbying Kit
and watch for information on the UFPJ site about lobbying training planned for Sept. 25.

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