ACTION ALERT: A Responsible Plan for Iraq

April 10th, 2008 - by admin – 2008-04-10 22:58:37

(April 6, 2008) — Our top Iraq War general is testifying to Congress on April 6, but you already know the storyline, right?

General Petraeus: “We still need to keep soldiers in Iraq, no telling when they can leave.”

Democrats: “It seems like we should think about leaving sometime?”

Republicans: “Withdrawal is surrender!”

Coming up next: Both sides agree to pour billions more dollars into a war Americans don’t want.

Well there IS another way. A group of Congressional candidates have come up with a responsible plan to get our nation out of this nightmare, and scores of them have already agreed that if elected they will actually carry out the plan, not just keep holding hearings while continuing the war. (1)

Some sitting representatives are beginning to come along, too, and it’s been endorsed by military leaders.

• Sign on to the Responsible Plan today:

We know that most of our fellow citizens want this — a clear, ethical path out of Iraq. (2) But our anti-war champions in Congress are frankly still outnumbered, so the political games continue.

Sign on to the plan, and in the weeks ahead we will together recruit more candidates and elected officials to join us. Let the people lead the leaders.

The “Responsible Plan to End the War in Iraq” includes clear steps to:

1. End US Military Action in Iraq
2. Use US diplomatic power
3. Address humanitarian concerns
4. Restore our Constitution
5. Restore our military
6. Restore independence to the media
7. Create a new, U.S.-centered energy policy

Join by signing on as a citizen Co-Sponsor of the Responsible Plan:

Together, we’ll get our leaders on the record – committed to bringing our troops home. So the next time we have a televised debate about Iraq it can be about real policy, not Gen. Petraeus’ wordplay.

– Matt Holland, Online Director

1. responsibleplan(dot)com/plan

2. rasmussenreports(dot)com/public_content/politics/current_events/the_war_in_iraq/iraq_troop_withdrawal