Heinrich Buecker et al. / Coop Anti-War Cafe Berlin – 2019-02-05 22:47:19
ACTION ALERT: Stop the Coup Against Venezuela
Heinrich Buecker et al. / Coop Anti-War Cafe Berlin
A Call for International Solidarity!
Stop the Coup Against Venezuela!
BERLIN (February 3, 2019) — We hereby express our categorical condemnation of the attempt to overthrow the legitimately elected government and president of Venezuela, Nicolas Maduro.
The world is at a critical turning point. The destructive Western policy of unilateral military interventions, illegal regime change and economic sanctions increases the danger of global military escalation.
The coordinated efforts of the reactionary right-wing opposition in Venezuela in collaboration with the US government, the European Union, the Organization of American States (OAS) and several Latin American governments are a clear attempt to openly intervene in the country’s internal affairs.
The self proclaimed “interim president” in the person of Juan Guaido, and the sequence of events represent a dangerous escalation of the US, EU, and NATO imperialist plans in the region.
Representatives of the Trump administration are now openly discussing the possibility of “military action” and condemning Venezuela, along with Cuba and Nicaragua, as part of a “Troika of Tyranny”.
We also condemn the economic sanctions on the part of the USA and other countries, which have aggravated the situation in Venezuela, and are blocking the means by which the government could escape its grave economic situation. Moreover, oil production in the country also fell dramatically due to low global oil prices, further escalating the economic crisis.
The aggressive policy of sanctions by Western states against demonized governments is a long tradition. Examples are Iraq, Iran, Libya, Cuba, North Korea, Syria and Russia.
We hereby declare our solidarity with the Venezuelan people in their struggle for the sovereignty of their country. In the interests of Venezuela, the region and the principle of national sovereignty, international actors should consider supporting negotiations between the Venezuelan government and its opponents. Even taking into account dissident voices, any attempts to topple the elected government of Venezuela must be firmly rejected.
The time has come to unite against this threat to humanity. Respect for the principles of sovereignty, self-determination, non-interventionism and social justice must be restored, and compliance with international law must be a top priority. We must be united in voice and action.
We also refer you to our April 2018 Declaration for International Solidarity with all nations that stand for Peace & Diplomacy, which has been signed by numerous individuals and organizations.
To endorse: Stop the Coup Against Venezuela
please sign online or send directly to email@hbuecker.net
Supported by:
Dr. Nancy Larenas Ojeda, “Patria Grande Berlin”, Coordinador Alemania PC Chile
Laura von Wimmersperg, Moderatorin der Berliner Friedenskoordination
Victor Grossman. Berlin, Germany berlinbulletin
Roger Waters, Musician, co-founder of Pink Floyd, New York, USA www.rogerwaters.com
Medea Benjamin, Co-founder of CODEPINK, USA www.codepink.org
Cynthia McKinney, human rights activist, politician, Atlanta, USA allthingscynthiamckinney.com
Dr. Alexander S. Neu, Member of Parliament, Fraktion DIE LINKE www.neu-alexander.de
Annette Groth, Frm. Member of Parliament, DIE LINKE. Stuttgart
Alice Slater, New York NY, USA www.wagingpeace.org
Ralph Niemeyer, Journalist, Schwäbisch Gmünd www.eu-chronicle.eu
Frank Dorrel, Anti-War Peace Activist, Culver City, California, USA www.addictedtowar.com
Elizabeth Murray, former Deputy National Intelligence Officer, National Intelligence Council (ret.), USA
Anja und Bernd Mewes, Friedensglockengesellschaft Berlin e.V., Germany
Enrico Vigna, Speaker Center Initiatives for Truth & Justice & Belgrade Forum Italy www.civg.it
Fulvio Grimaldi, Rome, journalist documentary film maker fulviogrimaldicontroblog.info
Comitato No Nato, Italia
Marinella Correggia, author, journalist, member No War Network, Torri in Sabina (Ri), Italy
Paolo D’Arpini, presidente Circolo VVTT. e coordinatore Rete Bioregionale Italiana Website
Brigitte Queck, Dipl. Staatswiss. Außenpolitik, Potsdam, BRD muetter-gegen-den-krieg-berlin.de
Coleen Rowley, retired FBI agent and former Minneapolis Division Legal Counsel, USA
Philip M. Giraldi, former CIA operations officer, USA
Women Against War, peace activist organization in Albany, New York, USA womenagainstwar.org
Atomwaffenfreies Europa e. V., Irene Eckert, Potsdam akf-europe.com
Todd E. Pierce, Major, retired US Army Judge Advocate, USA
Ekkehard Lentz, Sprecher Bremer Friedensforum Website
Elke Zwinge-Makamizile, Lehrerin, Berlin, Germany www.nato-tribunal.de
Bernd Duschner, Vorsitzender “Freundschaft mit Valjevo e.V”
Klaus von Raussendorff, Publizist, Bonn
Joachim Guilliard, Heidelberger Forum gegen Militarismus und Krieg antikriegsforum-heidelberg.de
Angelika Becker, Vorsitzende des Netzwerk Cuba e.V., Stuttgart netzwerk-cuba.de
Dr. Amir Mortasawi, Arzt und Autor, Rotenburg a.d. Fulda amirmortasawi.wordpress
Darnell Stephen Summers, Berlin, Stop the War Brigade www.vvawai.org
Frieder Wagner, Journalist, Köln ochoa-wagner.de
Ana Barbara von Keitz, Keramikerin, Germany Berliner Arbeitskreises Uran-Munition
Rudi Denner, Pressesprecher Ostdeutsche Kuratorium von Verbänden e.V., Berlin www.okv-ev.de
Gino Carpentiero — Associazione Medicina Democratica ONLUS — Firenze (Florence) — Italy
Kaspar Trümpy, ehemal. Ingenieur, Solothurn www.free-slobo.de
Klaus Linder, Freidenker Berlin www.berlin.freidenker.org
Claudio Patrizi, AmbienteWeb — Pacifismo, Diritti, Libera Comunicazione Rome, Italy ambienteweb.org
Gar Smith, Environmentalists Against War
and many more
listed here.