Stop Gun Violence! Ask 2020 Presidential Candidates “What Will You Do?”
On Saturday, August 4, 2019, 31 people were killed in two mass shootings, one of which was motivated by white supremacy and hate. Americans want and deserve real and substantial change.
Even under the Obama presidency–when the horrific Sandy Hook shooting of elementary school children took place–no progress was made to curb the availability of guns in the US. We want to know what 2020 presidential candidates will do to finally, FINALLY, deal with this uniquely American epidemic.
Send a message now to the 2020 presidential candidates asking them what they would do, if elected, to address gun violence and appealing to them to attend the October 2 March for Our Lives presidential candidate forum on gun violence.

(August 9, 2019) — Yesterday, Trump’s visits to El Paso and Dayton brought him face-to-face with protestors — common people who want common-sense gun reform rather than another round of thoughts and prayers.This latest mass shooting saw the deaths of 31 people by two murderers, one of whom adhered to white supremacist ideology and intentionally targeted El Paso’s Latinx population.
The El Paso shooter used the same language as Trump in his manifesto, referring to migrants from Latin America as “invaders” coming to replace him and other white people. We don’t expect any change to come from Trump, but even under the Obama administration, after the horrific Sandy Hook elementary school massacre took place, no substantial legislation was passed to stop gun violence.
We need to make sure the next US president can do better.
Send a message now to the 2020 Democratic presidential candidates telling them to attend the March for our Lives Forum on Gun Violence in Las Vegas. We want to know exactly what they would do as president to finally end this uniquely American problem.
US politicians, even Democrats, have been ineffective in stopping the epidemic of US mass shootings, and the current occupant of the White House is making the problem worse by calling Nazis“very fine people” and smiling when his supporters yell“shoot them” about migrants. But there is positive change taking place, and it’s coming from the youth.
The students of Parkland High have experienced the horrors of gun violence up close and personal, and they have gone forward from being victims of gun violence to using the tragedy to mobilize millions to take to the streets and the ballot boxes.
On October 2, they are partnering with The Giffords Group — formed by former U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords after she was shot in the head in a 2011 mass shooting — to host a forum for Democratic presidential candidates to talk about gun violence and what they would do as president to stop it. As an organization that advocates every day to stop military-grade weapons from being used anywhere in the world, we are all in!
Perpetrators of mass shootings — the majority of whom are white men, many of which adhere to white supremacist ideology — often come out of JROTC programs where high school students receive military trainings and get to use military-grade weapons. A full 35% of the domestic terrorists who carried out mass shootings previously had military training — the perpetrator of the Parkland massacre learned how to shoot in his 9th-grade JROTC program.
The struggle to end domestic gun violence is inexorably linked to the anti-war movement and its time we finally connect the dots and do something about US mass shootings.

Stop Gun Violence!
Send a message now to the 2020 presidential candidates asking them what they would do, if elected, to address gun violence and appealing to them to attend the October 2 March for Our Lives presidential candidate forum on gun violence.
Andrew Yang
Mike Gravel
Corey Booker
Beto O’Rourke
Bernie Sanders
Tulsi Gabbard
Elizabeth Warren
Amy Klobuchar
Julian Castro
Pete Buttigieg
Joe Biden
Marianne Williamson
Kirsten Gillibrand
Kamala Harris
This campaign is hosted by CODEPINK. We will protect your privacy, and keep you informed about this campaign and others.
Towards a safe and peaceful world,
Ann, Ariel, Caroline, Carley, Clara, Jodie, Maya, Mark, Medea, Megan, Nancy, Paki, Ryan, Rose, Sarah, Teri, Tighe, Umama, Ursula, and Zena