We can stop the war in Yemen and prevent a war with Iran
(September 3, 2019) — Now is our opportunity. Four Democrats in Congress are holding an enormous amount of power right now. Senator Jack Reed, Senator Chuck Schumer, Representative Adam Smith, and Speaker Nancy Pelosi will help determine which amendments make it into the final veto-proof version of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).
Among the most important foreign policy amendments to have included are:
• The Smith-Khanna Yemen War Powers Amendment #339 to end US involvement in the Saudi-led war in Yemen;
• The Gaetz-Khanna Amendment #270 to prevent a war with Iran;
• The Lieu-Amash Amendment #419 to block Trump from executing 22 “emergency” arms sales to Saudi Arabia and the UAE;
• Rep. Malinowski’s Amendment #473 to impose a one-year prohibition on the sale of air-to-ground munitions to Saudi Arabia and the UAE;
• The Lee-Amash Amendment #35 to repeal the 2002 Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) against Iraq.
Sadly, the NDAA will increase the already bloated Pentagon budget to somewhere between $733 billion (the House version of the NDAA) and $750 billion (the Senate version). The NDAA is considered veto-proof because it funds the military and merchants of death contractors like Raytheon and Lockheed Martin.
But, because it is veto-proof, the NDAA also provides an opportunity for “veto-proof” amendments to end and stop wars. There are 658 amendments that will be negotiated before the final must-pass version arrives on Trump’s desk. We need to make sure the five listed above are in it.
Senator Reed is the top Democrat on the Senate Armed Services Committee, Rep. Smith is chair of the House Armed Services Committee, Senator Schumer is the Senate Minority Leader, and Nancy Pelosi is Speaker of the House. In these positions, these four will have an enormous amount of most influence over what is included in the final version of the NDAA.
ACTION: Contact Reed, Smith, Schumer, and Pelosi now. Contact Reed, Smith, Schumer, and Pelosi now and tell them to make sure Amendments #339, #270, #419, #473, and #35 are included.
Both chambers of Congress have demonstrated—though invoking the war powers resolution and by passing legislation to block “emergency” weapons sales—a firm desire to end US involvement in the Saudi-led war in Yemen. But Trump has been using his veto power to keep the war going.
Now, with the must-pass NDAA and your role in negotiating the final version, you have the ability to get important foreign policy legislation through without a veto. It is dire that you make sure the Smith-Khanna Yemen War Powers Amendment #339 to end US involvement in the Saudi-led war in Yemen is included in the final version of the NDAA that lands on Trump’s desk.
Please ensure that these four amendments are included in the final NDAA as well:
• The Gaetz-Khanna Amendment #270 to prevent a war with Iran;
• The Lieu-Amash Amendment #419 to block Trump from executing 22 “emergency” arms sales to Saudi Arabia and the UAE;
• Rep. Malinowski’s Amendment #473 to impose a one-year prohibition on the sale of air-to-ground munitions to Saudi Arabia and the UAE;
• The Lee-Amash Amendment #35 to repeal the 2002 Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) against Iraq.
As a leader in Congress you can and must make this happen. There is not a moment to spare as Yemen can’t wait. Make sure amendments #339, #270, #419, #473, and #35 are in the final NDAA.
Ann, Ariel, Caroline, Carley, Clara, Jodie, Maya, Mark, Medea, Megan, Nancy, Paki, Ryan, Rose, Sarah, Teri, Tighe, Umama, Ursula, and Zena
PS: Tune in to our radio show every Thursday at 11 AM ET.