URGENT: “Forever Chemical” Regulations at Risk! Please contact your US senators now.
URGENT: All our hard work to stop the military’s use of lethal “forever chemicals” is in trouble in the Senate and we need to act fast. Go to sc.org/pfas now!
Why This Matters
The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) has the chance to ban the military’s use of these chemicals from firefighting foam, expand studies on the harm of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and ensure clean up happens urgently. This appropriations bill can achieve commonsense, first steps to regulate a contamination crisis that’s currently affecting over the drinking water of likely more than 100 million people and harming communities across the country.
For decades, the military irresponsibly and knowingly extinguished fires with dangerous foams containing PFAS and refused to clean up the toxic aftermath — poisoning our drinking water and forever harming the health of children and our families. It’s time our government hold them accountable and take action to address this clean water emergency. Congress is holding the legislation to make that happen, and we need to ensure these safeguards make it through the finish line.
Take action now! Demand your Congressional representative vote YES on the PFAS provisions in the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). It’s time our elected officials prioritize the safety of people over the pockets of polluters!
Add a personal sentence or two to strengthen your signature, hearing thoughts from their constituents makes a difference to your Members of Congress! Thank you for taking action.
Learn More: sierraclub.org/sites/www.sierraclub.org/files/program/documents/Web%20PFAS%20toolkit.pdf
We need everyone to please contact their senators now and make sure they don’t back down on including ALL PFAS AMENDMENTS in the defense bill. It’s the only way we can stop the military’s use of toxic firefighting foam right away and start cleanup ASAP. Take action at the link below and share the alert at sc.org/pfas now!
It is okay if you already contacted your senators once before, please contact them again! It’s that important.
Lethal PFAS regulations are at risk! We must ensure the Senate doesn’t backpedal on the critical regulation of deadly chemicals that do not break down in the environment – we have to act now! Go to sc.org/pfas and tell your senators to pass the defense bill with all PFAS amendments!
As the Dark Waters movie premier about lawyer Rob Bilott’s fight against PFAS manufacturers hits Capitol Hill, lead actor Mark Ruffalo brought attention to this public health crisis in today’s PFAS hearing. But some elected officials seem to be backing up on regulating these dangerous chemicals used heavily by the Department of Defense.
We need to stop military firefighting use of PFAS and begin cleanup of over 400 PFAS-contaminated sites around US military operations. PFAS amendments have had bipartisan support to get this far and provide meaningful steps to stop military use in firefighting, protect public health, and help contaminated communities. Getting an NDAA with all PFAS amendments would ensure they are treated as hazardous substances and begin water quality protections ASAP.
We must ensure the Senate acts to pass the NDAA with all PFAS amendments. Thank you for your help, we really need you to take action here ASAP:

Forever Chemicals — They’re in our food, they’re in our water, they’re in our bodies.
ACTION: Please pass the NDAA with all PFAS provisions now
Please take strong action now to regulate the public health crisis caused by toxic Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) contamination: Pass the NDAA with all PFAS provisions to end its use in military firefighting and begin cleaning up PFAS hazards as soon as possible.
PFAS chemicals persist forever in the environment and are highly toxic to people. However, they are exempt from most major environmental laws, and legally discharged into our air and water, contaminating food, and drinking water supplies.
Millions of Americans drink PFAS contaminated water, many without their knowledge. Federal agencies aren’t taking necessary steps to end PFAS emissions into the environment, and quickly assist people and communities most affected by PFAS pollution.
I ask you to strongly support these essential first steps in the NDAA to end the PFAS crisis as soon as possible:
– Add PFAS to Superfund and Clean Water Act Hazardous Substances lists
– Quickly phase out military use of PFAS in firefighting foam
– Require the Air Force to provide clean water to farms and dairies with PFAS-polluted water supplies
– Halt unregulated incineration — the dangerous burning of PFAS waste that unjustly burdens lower income communities and people of color
– Create an online health database for military members
– Require government oversight to study the Department of Defense’s failure to clean-up PFAS contamination
– Provide additional $5 million to study PFAS-contaminated communities
Please protect our health, water, and service members by passing the NDAA with all PFAS provisions. Thank you for your consideration.
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