Calling All Peace Heroes: Seeking International Peace Workers in Honduras
Witness for Peace Solidarity Collective
(November 20, 2019) — Join the Witness for Peace Solidarity Collective (SC) Honduras Program for a two-year term of volunteer service. International Team (IT) members document the impacts of US policies and corporate practices, writing articles/blog posts, fact sheets, short videos, and action alerts. Documentation work focuses on the impacts of US policies, such as military and police aid, free trade agreements and investments by US actors.
IT members also design and plan participatory, experiential educational programs of about 10 days, which help visiting groups from the US understand and see first-hand the impact of US policies in the region, while also learning about the on-going and multiple strategies of resistance carried out by SC’s partners in Honduras. IT members accompany groups during these delegations, which motivate delegates to return to the US to participate in campaigns that work for policy changes in these areas, while strengthening cross-border solidarity networks.
General Responsibilities of the SC Honduras Program:
1. Design Educational Programs: Plan and facilitate 10-day experiential educational programs, including accompanying the groups of 8 to 20 people from the US who visit different regions in Honduras. Responsibilities include providing an understanding of the impact of US policies, arranging logistics, facilitating internal sessions, and providing interpretation.
2. Making and Maintaining Contacts: The International Team is currently based in El Progreso. A substantial amount of time is spent making and maintaining contact with community leaders, civil society groups, labor and environmental groups, and other NGOs, both in urban and rural areas. These contacts are vital in order to understand the political, economic and social situation, and serve as a basis for planning educational programs and facilitating documentation of the effects of US policies in the country.
3. Journalistic Documentation: Team members investigate current events in Honduras as they relate to global economics and US policies, and write articles and short reports, as well as develop educational resources that bring attention to the impact of these policies in Honduras.
4. Human Rights Accompaniment: The International Team occasionally responds to requests from our partner organizations for accompanying various movements and communities, which can include activities like observing marches, protests, assemblies, and other gatherings, as well as documenting repression by security forces. It can also include spending stretches of time in various communities that are at high risk of facing repression.
5. Arranging Speaker Tours: In coordination with SC Regional Organizers in the US, identify speakers from Honduras to travel to SC regions to speak about the impact of US policies. International Team members assist speakers with immigration processes and developing their presentation, and then accompany and interpret for the speaker throughout their time in the US
6. Supporting US Campaigns to Change US Policy: While organizing in the US is led by the SC Regional Organizers, IT members are called on to support these efforts through contact with returned delegates, designing educational materials, providing information for campaigns as well as contributing to the website and blog. International Team members participate in internal working groups within SC and in some cases with external coalition partners.
7. Office Management: IT members administer the office, including finances, maintenance, and other tasks.
Required qualifications:
- Spanish fluency. Position requires reading, writing and interpretation of English to Spanish and Spanish to English. The majority of the work of the International Team occurs in Spanish.
- Experience working with groups, and excellent communication and interpersonal skills
- Highly independent, disciplined self-starter who takes initiative without a lot of oversight
- Good writing skills, computer literacy
- Willingness to live in El Progreso, Honduras
- Willingness to travel regularly
- Interest in taking part in organizational planning
- Experience and/or interest in consensus decision making
- Willingness to live in physically demanding and at times stressful conditions
- Willingness to travel and/or live in sometimes high-security situations
- Awareness of the potential exposure to traumatizing or re-traumatizing situations
- Ability to provide language interpretation
- Experience and interest in planning participatory educational programs for groups
- Bachelor’s degree or equivalent experience
- Minimum age of 21
- US citizenship
- Commitment to the SC mission/vision and operating principles
Preferred Qualifications:
- Prior knowledge and experience with Honduran history and current political and social context
- Prior experience providing English-Spanish and Spanish-English interpretation, facilitating delegations, and/or writing policy analysis
- Prior knowledge and experience with global economics and US foreign policy, including economic and military policies, trade and labor issues.
- Experience living in or spending substantial time in Honduras
Benefits include a stipend ($366 per month), room and board and all work-related transportation costs. After one year, volunteers receive a month off and a round trip flight to the US After two years, volunteers receive a flight to the US Volunteers are encouraged to assist the organization in fundraising activities during their term of service.
Witness for Peace Solidarity Collective is an equal opportunity employer that does not discriminate in its hiring practices and, in order to build the strongest organization possible, actively seeks a diverse applicant pool and strongly encourages individuals from all backgrounds (including race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, gender identity, disability, or sexual orientation) to apply. Persons of color are especially encouraged to apply.
Apply here.
WFP Solidarity Collective, PO Box 6078, Minneapolis, MN 55406