Call to Action for International Days of Action Against Sanctions and Economic War: March 13-15, 2020
Sanctions Kill!
(December 14, 2019) — Sanctions are imposed by the United States and its junior partners against countries that resist their agendas. They are a weapon of Economic War, resulting in chronic shortages of basic necessities, economic dislocation, chaotic hyperinflation, artificial famines, disease, and poverty. In every country, the poorest and the weakest — infants, children, the chronically ill and the elderly — suffer the worst impact of sanctions.
US imposed sanctions, violate international law and are a tool of regime change. They impact a third of humanity in 39 countries. They are a crime against humanity used, like military intervention, to topple popular governments and movements. They provide economic and military support to pro-US right-wing forces.
The US economic dominance and its +800 military bases worldwide demands all other countries participate in acts of economic strangulation. They must end all normal trade relations, otherwise they risk having Wall Street’s guns pointed at them. The banks and financial institutions that are responsible for the devastation of our communities at home drive the plunder of countries abroad.
Many organizations have been fighting Sanctions and Economic War for some time. NOW is an opportunity to combine efforts to raise consciousness on this crucial issue.
This broad campaign will include protests and demonstrations, lobbying, petition drives and all forms of educational efforts.

Sanctions Are an Act of War! End Sanctions Now!
ACTION: As an initial step for this campaign we encourage mobilizations and educational efforts to be organized for the International Days of Action against US imposed Sanctions and Economic War on March 13-15.
Please add your endorsement and help spread the word.
DRAFT RESOLUTION For the Abolition and Repeal of all United States Imposed Economic Sanctions
WHEREAS, sanctions are imposed by the United States and its allies against countries that resist Washington’s regime change efforts and/or neoliberal agendas.
WHEREAS, the peoples attacked in violation of international law by the United States and its allies rightly demand our solidarity and recognition of their sovereignty, dignity and resistance.
WHEREAS, US imposed sanctions are economic warfare, they create severe economic disruption and chaotic hyperinflation, which results in chronic shortages of basic human necessities and leads to artificial famines, disease, and poverty.
WHEREAS, in every US imposed sanctioned country, the most vulnerable — infants, children, the chronically ill and the elderly — suffer the worst impact of economic warfare.
WHEREAS, US imposed sanctions, violate international law and are a tool of regime change, impacting, as of December 2019, a third of humanity in 39 countries.
WHEREAS, US imposed sanctions are a crime against humanity used, like military intervention, to topple autonomous and democratically elected governments by attacking the success of social programs which lends false credence to the slander waged by right wing, racist, and fascist forces against popular leaders and social movements.
WHEREAS, US imposed sanctions undermine progressive social programs that improve health, nutrition and education, and provide for the continued maintenance and development of public structures and infrastructures.
WHEREAS, Washington uses its economic and military influence (the US dollar is a global currency and the US has over 800 military bases worldwide) to force other nations to end established financial and trade relations with the targeted country or risk retribution. According to the US Department of the Treasury, so far in 2019, sanction violations have resulted in civil penalties exceeding $1.28 billion. Additionally, violators of US sponsored sanctions are subject to criminal charges.
WHEREAS, the banks and financial institutions that are responsible for the devastation of our communities at home derive benefit from the plunder of countries abroad.
WHEREAS, many organizations have been fighting US imposed sanctions and economic warfare for some time independently, now is our opportunity to collectively enact a moratorium and repeal of all United States imposed economic sanctions.
RESOLVED that we will work to enact a moratorium and repeal of all United States imposed economic sanctions by raising consciousness through:
(1) Acknowledging the tremendous dignity and infinite creativity of the peoples resisting the aggression of the United States and its subordinate allied governments.
(2) Creating informational materials and petitions.
(3) Hosting events and distributing said informational materials and petitions.
(4) Lobbying elected officials.
(5) Organizing protests and demonstrations.
(6) Creating and/or supporting International Days of Action against US-imposed Sanctions and Economic Warfare on March 13-15 2020.