ACTION ALERT: Stop the Largest Naval War Practice in the World
(April 4, 2020) — Today is April 4th. It was on this date that Dr. Martin Luther King gave his Beyond Vietnam speech, and on this date a year later that he was assassinated. In that speech he said:
“A true revolution of values will lay hands on the world order and say of war, ‘This way of settling differences is not just.'”
Unless the madness of RIMPAC is cancelled, more than 25,000 military personnel from 20 countries will gather from June through August 2020 in Hawaii waters for the 27th Rim of the Pacific (RIMPAC) exercise — the world’s largest international maritime exercises, The international naval war practice in Hawaiian waters is provocative in regional affairs and with the COVID19 virus, military personnel from 20+ countries arriving in Hawaii will endanger citizens of the isolated island state of Hawaii.
Since 1971, RIMPAC has been held in Hawaii where in 2018 military personnel from 24 other countries, including Australia, Canada, India, Israel, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Singapore, South Korea, Sri Lanka, and Vietnam came to Hawaii.
With COVID19 virus rampant around in all countries around the world, the isolated islands of Hawaii must be protected from military visitors.

ACTION: Sign the Petition to Cancel RIMPAC.
War games and weapons shows have been halted and
scaled back around the world since the coronavirus pandemic began, but the US
Navy has yet to cancel the biggest naval war rehearsal in the world — and at a time when
Trump is stirring up hatred for China!
Cases of coronavirus in the US military,
including on ships, were being reported ever faster until the Pentagon banned
such reporting. War rehearsals now endanger us all by making wars more likely
and by spreading a deadly virus.
Please sign and share this petition to the US Congress and Pentagon, created by
retired Colonel Ann Wright:
Stop the international Rim of the Pacific
(RIMPAC) naval war practice in Hawaiian waters from June through August 2020.
The war practices are provocative on a regional level and with the COVID-19
virus, military personnel arriving in Hawaii will endanger citizens of the
isolated island state of Hawaii.
Add your name.
This Petition Is Sponsored by These Organizations:
Hawaii Organizations: Hawai’i Peace and Justice; Veterans for Peace-Chapter 113-Hawai’i; Malu Aina Center for Nonviolence Education & Action-Big Island; Maui Peace Action; Kauai Alliance for Peace & Social Justice; Catholic Worker Honolulu; Campaign Nonviolence-Hawaii; Democratic Socialists of Honolulu; Young Progressives Demanding Action (Hawaiʻi); Hawaiian Unity and Liberation Institute; Malama Makua;
US National Organizations: Peace Action; United for Peace & Justice; United National Anti-War Coalition; Nuclear Age Peace Foundation; CODEPINK, San Francisco Bay Area chapter; Veterans For Peace chapter 69-San Francisco; Donald and Sally-Alice Thompson Veterans For Peace Chapter #63-Albuquerque, New Mexico; Shut Down Creech campaign; Environmentalists Against War;
International Organizations: Jeju Committee for the Inter-Island Solidarity for Peace of Sea (South Korea); Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND-UK); Vrede vzw (Belgium); International Coalition for a Ban on (depleted) Uranium Weapons (Berlin Germany); Activists for Peace- Sweden; VD AMOK (Netherlands); Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILFP)-Italy; Peace & Neutrality Alliance in Ireland; CNGNN Italy; “No to war — no to NATO”; Center for Encounter and Active Non-Violence, Bad Ischl, Austria; Swedish Peace Council; Roma Social Forum; Teatroinnatura-Italy; Frente Antiimperialista Internacionalista (Spain); Dutch section of Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF NL); WILPF Germany; Mouvement de la Paix (France); Gangjeong Peace Network; Inter-Island Solidarity for Peace of the Sea; Jeju Comittee People Making Jeju a Demilitarized Peace Island; Association of Gangjeong Villagers Against the Jeju Navy Base; Seongsan Committee against the Jeju 2nd Airport Project; Jeju People Living in the Main Land of Korea;
Black Agenda Report: Pentagon Orders All Installations to Stop Reporting COVID-19 Infections
and Deaths
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