The Stop 5G International Team
(April 25, 2020) — The world seems to be unraveling before us. We grasp for reliable information yet none is not to be found. Facts float around as free for the taking as the dust in the air, but few are verifiable. Add to this the stresses from COVID-19, be it fear for our safety, financial difficulties, managing children at home 24/7, or the myriad other things we now face.
Due to ‘lock-down’, we connect with one another virtually. Yet, surprisingly, to this backdrop of uncertainty, many are finding connections deepening —Reconsidering priorities, recalibrating direction, and reconnecting with ourselves and with others more authentically. Fertile ground and auspicious times for transformation and renewal.
Some are coming to realize that our visions for the future are far more aligned with others’ than we imagined — for we all share the desire to feel safe in the world, to contribute to the well-being of others, and to live happy, healthy, productive and fulfilled lives.
We hope this Online Global Protest Day will inform, empower and inspire us all to take effective counter-5g actions in our respective communities and countries. And above all, that this day brings us closer to realizing a shared dream: To experience lasting peace, vibrant wellness, and pure connectedness to each other and the Natural World…and may it amplify our emphatic “YES” to “NO 5G!!”
A Fundamental Irony
It is ironic that we are protesting by means of the very thing we are (in part) protesting against — our dependence on technology. Let us take advantage of the Global Protest Day to hone our message: We are not against the Internet, per se. It is a tool whose benefits far outweigh the harms. But we must use the Internet wisely by watching and sharing videos and resources on hard-wired connections whenever possible.
With wired connections — even in ‘lock-down’ — there would be no need for 5G antennas polluting our neighborhoods, and 5G satellites littering our skies.
For more information on how to use technology safely, please see Environmental Health Trust 10 Steps To Safer Technology At Home: How To Reduce Exposure To Wireless Radiation, Children’s Health Defense How to Make Remote Learning Safe for Your Children During COVID-19 Quarantine, and share this flyer, courtesy of Americans for Responsible Technology.

Saturday, April 25th 18:00 UK; 1:00 pm EST; 10:00 am PST; 22:30 India
Hosted by Stop 5G International
Please join us as we explore together challenges related to satellites, the Internet’s footprint, impacts on wildlife, privacy and cyber security risks, the relationship between sciences and environmental hazards, and discuss legal actions currently underway.
Click HERE to register for the Webinar
Stop 5G International is producing a We Do Not Consent video that includes statements people from around the world have sent us saying why they do not consent to 5G on Earth and in space. We hope you will enjoy it and share widely with others. Many thanks to all who contributed!!
For online Protest Day Events from around the world, please visit, www.stop5ginternational.org/5g-protest-day.
Please sign and share this online petition that was just launched yesterday!
Coinciding with Earth Day and with Stop 5G International’s Day of Action, a petition has been launched asking Pope Francis to address growing concerns about wireless technology.
Petition to Pope Francis: Declare Moratorium on Antennas in Churches, Investigate Environmental and Health Impacts of Wireless Exposures
Patricia Burke / GoPetition.com
(April 22 2020) — Dear Pope Francis,
The Catholic Church has an extensive history of bringing issues of social injustice to the attention of the world community, and inviting Catholics to take actions that reflect a moral stance — such as defending migrant workers, boycotting companies (like Nestles) exploiting poor mothers in South America, as well as taking action to feed the hungry and advocate for the disenfranchised.
We are grateful for your efforts seeking to acknowledge the dangers of Artificial Intelligence. Additionally, it took presence and courage for you to address rampant cellphone use and its impact on society. We commend you for saying, “Mass is for lifting hearts not cellphones.” and encouraging Catholics to curb their use of cellphones and social media in observance of Lent.
But now, the world needs you to do more.
The Church recently adopted a moral stance concerning fossil fuels, resulting in divestment. We ask that the Church, under your leadership, now take urgent and immediate action regarding questions of safety, security, and sustainability of wireless technologies.
There is ample evidence to show that mobile technology contributes significantly to our carbon and ecological footprint, as well as ozone and resource depletion, which will be made far worse with 5G due to the launch of thousands of satellites in the sky, the implementation of billions of new transmitters, and the production of trillions of new gadgets.
Impoverished countries are being directly exploited due to conflict mineral mining and e-waste issues. Wireless technologies create and exacerbate preventable risks to society, including internet addiction involving both children and adults, surveillance, privacy invasion, cyber safety vulnerability, excessive energy consumption, environmental degradation, and reported health issues.
The industry and its regulators have admitted that exposure limits may not protect all individuals in all circumstances. Insurers refuse to provide liability coverage, and telecom companies have warned their investors that they may face expensive lawsuits regarding health damages.
Peer-reviewed science shows that long-term exposure to radio frequency emissions can lead to physical and cognitive problems, such as memory loss, mood disorders, sleep disorders, and depression. A clear link to cancer has also been demonstrated by the 2018 US National Toxicology Report and the 2018 Ramazinni Study.
Wired, cabled telecommunications systems reduce many unnecessary risks. Wired connectivity does not result in the potential abuses of power, environmental destruction, surveillance, and health issues associated with wireless technologies.
But as the result of the current pandemic crisis, the threat of disaster capitalism and decision-based evidence-making supporting wireless infrastructure, enabled by Artificial Intelligence, is exponential.
By hosting cellphone towers in steeples, the Church is participating in, and benefitting financially from, the growing wireless paradigm.
In support of SafeG.net and Stop 5G International, we ask:
* That you call for an immediate moratorium on the installation of any additional next-generation wireless antennas in Catholic churches, worldwide.
* That you call for an immediate, deadline-driven, independent, science-based examination of the health and environmental research regarding radio frequency exposure limits, before any additional infrastructure is installed.
• That the Church provide relief to the marginalized populations worldwide experiencing ridicule and discrimination, due to their vulnerability to wireless exposures, including advocacy for accommodation, and legal protections against involuntary, ubiquitous, second-hand exposures.
Posted in accordance with Title 17, Section 107, US Code, for noncommercial, educational purposes.