The US Peace Council Strongly Condemns the Armed Incursion into the Territory of Venezuela
The US Peace Council / Action Network
(May 7, 2020) — The US Peace Council condemns in the strongest, and most categorical terms the continued aggression against the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela by the United States and calls on the US government to stop all aggressive and unfriendly acts against that country.
Venezuela recently suffered an armed incursion that was organized by nationals of the United States. On May 3, 2020 the Venezuelan authorities intercepted a boat with armed mercenaries that were involved in a plan to kidnap or assassinate the elected president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro Moros, in order to foment a coup d’état. Eight mercenaries were killed and multiple persons were captured, including two American citizens.
The leader of this failed adventure, Jordan Goudreau, an ex-Green Beret and owner of a security firm Silvercorp USA, in Florida, was the organizer of this military incursion. He admitted to consulting with the US government over his plans, and showed the press a signed contract that he had with the US puppet and presidential pretender Juan Guaidó to assist him in overthrowing the legitimate government of Venezuela.
The Trump Administration denies any responsibility for this outrageous act, but its denials ring hollow as the United States’ participation in this operation is obvious. Goudreau has revealed that he had a $200 million contract with for overthrowing the government of President Maduro.
The Silvercorp was promised to receive over $200 million, including a $1.5 million retainer, from Juan Guaidó to overthrow the government of Nicolás Maduro. According to the agreement, the money was to come from the funds illegally confiscated by the Trump administration from the Venezuela-owned CITGO oil company.
This armed incursion is yet another vile act in a history of aggression and attempts to destabilize the government of Venezuela by the United States. There have been attempted coups, sanctions, and more recently, the bogus drug charges filed by the United States against President Maduro and the subsequent dispatch of US war ships off the coast of Venezuela for “drug interdiction.”
All these actions by the US Government are in contravention of the United Nations Charter and the Universal Declaration of Human rights, and are estimated to have cost the lives of tens of thousands of Venezuelans due the sanctions limiting access to needed medication.
The US Peace Council calls upon the people of the United States to remain vigilant and be prepared to actively oppose any future military intervention as the Trump administration appears to have chosen the military option against Venezuela after its failure to overthrow the government of President Nicolas Maduro through its destructive economic sanctions.

elf-proclaimed “president” Juan Guaido
The US Peace Council asks the people of the United States to join with us to call on the President, Congress, and Senate to stop this drive to war against our neighbor Venezuela and demand:
- That the United States government stop all military aggression against Venezuela and withdraw its warships from its coast;
- That the United States removes all sanctions against the country of Venezuela and from its government officials;
- That the United States promptly begin talks to normalize relations with the legitimate, United Nations accredited, government of Venezuela and its president Nicolás Maduro Moros.
- That the UN Security Council and the US Congress set up special committees to investigate the role of US Government in the recent unlawful mercenary operation in Venezuela.
Executive Committee of the US Peace Council
US Peace Council • PO.Box 3105, New Haven, CT 06515 • (203) 387-0370 • USPC@USPeaceCouncil.org • https://uspeacecouncil.org • https://www.facebook.com/USPeaceCouncil/ • @USPeaceCouncil
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