The NATO DEFENDER-Europe 20 Exercise Will Resume In June 2020
Sonja van den Ende / One World Press
(May 23, 2020) — After careful review and planning between the US Army Europe and the Polish Department of Defense, Exercise Allied Spirit, an exercise originally planned for May by DEFENDER-Europe 20, will take place on June 5, 2020, in the Drawsko Pomorskie, Poland training area-19. Other countries like Lithuania, Romania and North Macedonia will be the scene for the alleged “wargame“, but also non-members like Sweden, Norway and Finland will be part of it too.
Approximately 6,000 US and Polish soldiers will take part in the exercise. Of these, approximately 4,000 US soldiers will come from the headquarters of the 1st Cavalry Division (forward); 2nd Panzer Brigade Combat Team and 3rd Combat Aircraft Brigade, 3rd Infantry Division; and about 2,000 Polish soldiers will come from the 6th Polish Airborne Brigade; 9th Polish Armored Calvary Brigade; and 12th Polish Mechanized Brigade.
The Lithuanian Armed Forces support the exercise and plan to take part in it alongside other NATO allies in order to develop its own division-level headquarters capability at the exercise. The Lithuanian Armed Forces are assisting in ensuring proper preparations, host nation support, and seamless organization of the exercise on the territory of Lithuania.

The Balkans – North Macedonia
The small country, recently re-named North Macedonia instead of Macedonia after some conflicts with EU-member Greece, had to be part of NATO, so during the COVID-19 crisis, NATO pushed to let North Macedonia be part of NATO, on March 27, 2020, it became a NATO member.
The people of North Macedonia had no say in this, and there were huge demonstrations in Skopje in 2018-2019 as I recall, having been there during the last demonstration. It was necessary for NATO‘s DEFENDER-20 wargame that North Macedonia should be part of NATO because they are strategically situated between the borders of Greece, Albania, and Bulgaria — all NATO members — and Serbia and Kosovo.
This week President Trump announced that the US is going ahead with scrapping its military agreements with Russia. The US is expected to withdraw soon from the Open Skies Treaty, a 2002 accord involving 35 states, including Russia, that allows countries to conduct unarmed fly-overs of member states with the purpose of monitoring each other’s military facilities.
Last year, the US scrapped the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF) with Russia and immediately began testing the previously-banned weapons. A prelude to war? Or just, as they say, an “exercise“. An “exercise“ for what? To simulate a war with Russia and perhaps China? For Russia and its people. it‘s for sure seen as an act of war, even for Europeans, who have nothing to say in their so-called “democratic“ society about NATO‘s wargames.
A recent poll found that in only three NATO countries—Great Britain, the Netherlands and Lithuania—did a majority of the population want NATO to respond to a Russian attack.
Of course, the UK’s support is explainable because it hosts the Statecraft Institute where wars are planned, and the country itself has a “huge” reputation in the spy busines. MI5 and many others play a “dirty“ propaganda war against Russia and its allies, including Syria. I dare to say that the so-called “Arab Spring“ was made at the Statecraft Institute.
The Netherlands, has always been the “good-obedient–deep-state-country“ of the US and therefore of the UK. The Kingdom of the Netherlands, meaning the government, is totally indoctrinated when it concerns Russia. Prince Bernard (an ex-Wehrmacht and SS member), the former prince of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, established the Bilderberg group, a top-secret organization, after the war under the reign of Queen Juliana. The group writes on their website that:
“Our meetings are held under the Chatham House Rule, which states that participants are free to use the information received, but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speaker(s) nor of any other participant may be revealed“.
The meeting for 2020 is postponed.
Rumors have it that Prince Bernard was involved with Eva Perron and the Odessa line program to bring ex-Nazis from Germany to Argentina. With the current political party Democrats 66, the anti-Russia lobby found a great partner to conspire within spreading anti-Kremlin propaganda.
Lithuania is a different story but you can still find some similarities. ManyLithuanians collaborated with the Germans in WWII. There was no significant violent resistance directed against the Nazis. Some Lithuanians, encouraged by Germany’s vague promises of autonomy, cooperated with the Nazis. Pre-war tensions over the Vilnius Regionresulted in a low-level civil war between Poles and Lithuanians.
After occupation by the Soviet Union, old sentiments were not forgotten, the cause for independence resulted in an anti-Russia attitude and Russia-bashing. Like other former Soviet-occupied countries, they don‘t recognize the “new-Russia“, which hasn’t been under the Soviet system since 1991 and completely changed under the government of President Putin.

While the US Democratic Party attempts to outdo the Republicans in anti-Russian hysteria, the war drive is nevertheless supported by both parties, which see it as essential to project American power around the world. On May 8, 2020, in a crude display of anti-Russian sentiment, US President Donald Trump took to Twitter to laud the United States and Great Britain for their “victory over the Nazis!”
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov denounced the statement on the 75th anniversary of Hitler’s defeat in Europe for failing to acknowledge the decisive role played in the event by the Soviet Union. Another act of propaganda of the hybrid war is the rewriting of history. This has seen the European Union claim their own victory and put Hitler at the same level as Stalin as being dictators who both started the war.
We all know that it’s Germany who started by invading Poland in 1939 and conducted the extermination of the Jewish people, political opponents, prisoners of war, Poles, resistance fighters and gypsies once they occupied a country. Do we want another war? No, I hope mankind, especially Europe has learned from the lessons of WWII, but I am doubtful whether they learned anything at all!
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