Reinstate the Pivot to Peace Twitter Account Now!
Pivot to Peace
(June 15, 2020) — Less than one month after launching Pivot to Peace, we have been censored by Twitter. Our account had exactly four tweets urging the public to sign on to our mission statement. [Posted below — EAW] We call on all of our supporters to sign our petition and demand that Twitter reinstate our account (@peacepivot) immediately.
As a coalition of academics, public sector workers, lawyers, veterans and everyday people alike, we stand together in opposition to the US drive towards confrontation with China.
Among our signers are Chinese American Author Maxine Hong Kingston, American filmmaker Oliver Stone, director of Nuclear Studies Institute at American University Peter Kuznick, president of the Chinese Six Companies Ding Bong Lee, and hundreds of others who all share our hope to build towards peace and friendship between the US and China.
We have reason to believe that the suspension of our account is an attempt to censor content that challenges the mainstream anti-China doctrine. It was recently reported that Twitter partnered with the right-wing thinktank Australian Strategic Policy Institute to suspend tens of thousands of accounts that may be linked to or promoting material that is favorable to China.
The work we do is to fill a void in the uneven discourse around China because we believe the potential for war and aggression is so grave. Our work is not pro-China, but pro-peace.
It is inconceivable that Twitter would censor our content, which we believe, and our supporters believe, is critically needed in a space that claims to place in high regard, freedom of speech and debate.
Please sign our petition as we demand that Twitter reinstate our account @peacepivot immediately.

Pivot to Peace demonstrators (Photo: Popular Resistance)
Solidarity with Pivot to Peace Now!
Twitter has suspended Pivot to Peace (@peacepivot), a pro-peace coalition calling for a reorientation of US military and foreign policy towards China. The suspension comes less than one month after the launch. The twitter account had exactly four tweets urging the public to sign on to our mission statement (peacepivot.org/mission). We, the undersigned call on twitter to reverse its decision and restore @peacepivot. Pivot to Peace is vital as it fills the void in the uneven discourse around China, especially during increasing potential for war and confrontation.
We believe that the unjust suspension of the @peacepivot account is an attempt to censor content that challenges the mainstream anti-China doctrine. We demand that Twitter reinstate the account @peacepivot immediately.

We are concerned Americans from all walks of life who have come together in opposition to the dramatically increasing drive toward confrontation between the United States and China.
We have witnessed a profoundly disturbing reorientation of US military and foreign policy that identifies China as a competitor and adversary. The new military doctrine of the Pentagon has prioritized preparation for “major power conflict” in the coming years.
This dangerous reorientation has impacted consciousness in the United States on many levels such that a palpable feeling of fear, animosity and even hatred has been generated not only toward the People’s Republic of China but toward Chinese people in general, Chinese-American citizens and other Asian peoples in the United States.
The so-called Pivot to Asia, which was announced in 2011, has developed into a pivot toward war and confrontation.
We have created the Pivot to Peace to insist that the government and mass media turn away from the anti-China Cold War. This new Cold War has taken on a life of its own. It needs to end.
We have launched a new effort called Pivot to Peace to educate and mobilize public opinion about the benefits of a policy that facilitates cooperation and mutual respect between the United States and China.
Pivot to Peace is a coalition of Americans, ranging from military veterans, public sector workers, professors, healthcare professionals, public officials, legal professionals and others who are concerned about the future of relations between our country and China. We reject the escalation towards global conflict and instead urge peace and cooperation with China. We believe in the fair and open communication of information about China, its economic, social, and political affairs, free of the biases and distortions which dominate much of mainstream media in the United States.
We support the frank exchange of views based on facts and evidence, rather than fear mongering and the revival of old racist stereotypes and Cold War political bugbears. We want to build support for peace and prosperity and a shared future of mutually beneficial development for both the American and Chinese people. We believe that friendship and engagement between our countries is the better path towards that future.

Victory! Twitter Account Reinstated!
Pivot to Peace
(June 24, 2020) — On Friday, June 19th, Pivot to Peace launched a petition to demand that Twitter end its censorship of our content and reinstate the @peacepivot account immediately. In a matter of days, we received overwhelming support from over 1,000 signers demanding an end to the censorship of the critically needed, pro-peace content that Pivot to Peace provides. Thanks to outpouring of support from the pro-peace community, our twitter was officially reinstated today. Twitter support claimed that the suspension was a “mistake”. However we know that the suspension of @peacepivot followed a mass suspension of many other accounts that promoted content that is related to China.
This victory could not have been possible without our supporters. This was a demonstration of the collective power our community has in pushing forward pro-peace efforts even in the face of censorship and intimidation. Pivot to Peace is committed to organize and promote discourse around peace and friendship with China as US orientation inches closer towards confrontation. We thank you all once again for the tremendous efforts made to reinstate our Twitter.
Pivot to Peace, 617 Florida Ave NW, Lower Level, Washington, DC 20001