Manlio Dinucci / The Manifesto & The Voltaire Network
(September 8, 2020) — The September 12 “Stop 5G” demonstration in Rome rightly focuses on the possible electromagnetic consequences for health and environment, in particular on the decree that prevents mayors from regulating the installation of 5G antennas in the municipal area.
However, the Italian public continues to ignore a fundamental aspect of this technology: its military use.
We have already warned about it in the manifesto (10 December 2019) but with poor results. The subsequent programs launched by the Pentagon, officially documented, confirm what we wrote nine months ago.
The “5G Strategy,” approved on May 2, 2020, stated that “the Defense Department must develop and employ new concepts of operation that use the ubiquitous connectivity that 5G capabilities offer to increase the effectiveness, resilience, speed, and lethality of our Forces.”
The Pentagon is already experimenting military applications of this technology in five air, naval and land forces bases: Hill (Utah), Nellis (Nevada), San Diego (California), Albany (Georgia), Lewis-McChord (Washington), Dr. Joseph Evans, technical director for 5G at the Department of Defense, in a press conference on June 3 confirmed.
He then announced that 5G military applications will soon be tested in seven other bases: Norfolk (Virginia), Pearl Harbor-Hickam (Hawaii), San Antonio (Texas), Fort Irwin (California), Fort Hood (Texas), Camp Pendleton (California) and Tinker (Oklahoma).
Experts predict that 5G will play a decisive role in the development of hypersonic weapons, including nuclear warheads: huge amounts of data must be collected, processed and transmitted very quickly to guide them on variable trajectories, escaping interceptor missiles. The same data collection is necessary to activate the defenses in the event of an attack with such weapons, relying on automatic systems.
The new technology will also play a key role in the battle network, being able to connect millions of two-way radio equipment in a limited area.
5G will also be extremely important for the Secret Services and Special Forces: it will make possible much more effective espionage systems and increase the lethality of drone-killers.
These and other military applications of this technology are certainly being studied in China and other countries as well. Therefore, the ongoing 5G is not only a trade war.
The strategic document of the Pentagon confirmed it: “5G technologies represent crucial strategic capabilities for the national security of the United States and for that of our allies.” It is therefore necessary to “protect them from our adversaries” and convince our allies to do the same to ensure the “interoperability” of military applications of 5G within NATO framework.
This explains why Italy and other European allies of the US have excluded Huawei and other Chinese companies from 5G telecommunication equipment supply tenders.
“5G technology” – explains Dr. Joseph Evans in the press conference at the Pentagon — “is vital to maintain military and economic advantages of the United States,” not only against its adversaries, especially China and Russia, but against its allies.
For this reason, “the Department of Defense is working closely with industrial partners, who invest hundreds of billion dollars in 5G technology, in order to exploit these massive investments for military applications of 5G,” including military and civilian “dual-use applications“. . .
In other words, the 5G commercial network, built by private companies, is used by the Pentagon at a much lower cost than would be necessary if the network were built solely for military purposes.
The common users, to whom the 5G multinationals will sell their services, are going to pay for a technology that, as they promise, should “change our lives,” but at the same time it will be used to create a new generation of weapons for a war, meaning the end of human generations.
Manlio Dinucci is a geographer and geopolitical scientist. His books include: Laboratorio di geografia, Diario di viaggio, L’arte della guerra / Annali della strategia Usa/Nato 1990-2016, Guerra nucleare. Il giorno prima. Da Hiroshima a oggi: chi e come ci porta alla catastrofe, and Diario di guerra. Escalation verso la catastrofe (2016 – 2018).
Information list of the network No to War – No to NATO
5G Strategy Document (Unclassified)
Department of Defense
(May 2, 2020) — “Tomorrow’s warfighters will use local and expeditionary 5G networks to move massive amounts of data to connect distant sensors and weapons into a dense, resilient battlefield network… The warfighter will be empowered with far richer access to data at the tactical edge, so that even small units can achieve strategic effects. The US military must learn to utilize the connectivity provided by 5G to operate with the speed, precision, and efficiency necessary to remain effective and survivable in the future. . .
5G is a critical strategic technology: those nations that master advanced communications technologies and ubiquitous connectivity will have a long-term economic and military advantage. This strategy provides the DoD approach to implementing the National Strategy to Secure 5G and aligns with the National Defense Authorization Act [FY2020, Section 254]. . . .
The central challenge for DoD is to accelerate the development and deployment of 5G-enabled capabilities, while ensuring those systems — as well as those of our allies and partners — are robust, protected, resilient, and reliable.”

September 12: Rome Protests Target Expansion of the 5G Network
Stop 5G International
ROME, Italy — The experimentation of the 5G Network in recent years has really become the subject of discussion on several occasions. According to some, it would be important and could have very serious health and environmental repercussions. According to some experts, it could also undermine the rights enshrined in the Italian Constitution as well as personal freedoms.
Among all the Pugliesi people of this opinion, the strongest point of view is that of Giancarlo Vincitorio who has said his opinion on several occasions. In fact, he is a journalist and founded the “Italian Stop 5G Alliance” in South Italy in Puglia aimed at the Apulians to make it clear what his point of view is on the matter. He also created the “Friend of the Environment” award to ask for the suspension of this experiment.
Meanwhile, to ask for the suspension of testing on the 5G Network, a demonstration will be held in Rome on 12 September from 3 to 6 pm in Piazza del Popolo. On the stage there will be various speakers, both from the educational and scholastic fields, as well as from the legal, scientific, medical, artistic and administrative fields. According to the Apulians involved, this is a very important commitment aimed at guaranteeing safety in this sense.
Raytheon ‘Heat Beam’ Weapon Ready for Iraq, Boston Business Journal, May 23, 2005
5G Network uses Same EMF Waves as Pentagon Crowd Control System, Terence Newton / The Liberty Beacon
Can 5G Technology Be Used as a Weapon?, John P. Thomas / Health Impact News, October 10, 2019
The Hidden Military Use of 5G Technology, Manlio Dinucci / Il Manifesto.
Video: Control crowds with non-lethal technology (At 1:09 minutes).
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