ACTION ALERT: September 26, International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons
Vanda Proskova and Alyn Ware / WeThePeople & UnfoldZero
(September 25, 2020) — We are very excited about the global civil society event for the International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons on September 26.
Please remind you colleagues and networks about the event in case they have not yet registered. We have more than 50 amazing people presenting either live or in video messages, in a range of presentation, workshop and panel sessions. People can join for one session, two or more. Click here for registration.
Note that we are also promoting a nuclear disarmament action for tomorrow; a call on governments to pledge never to launch a nuclear war, to commit to eliminating nuclear weapons by 2045 and to cut nuclear weapons budgets and investments in order to finance COVID-19 recovery, climate protection and the sustainable development goals. We invite you to join this action.
We thank you for again for joining #WeThePeoples2020, and we hope that you are finding the platform useful. Please continue to visit our events calendar to learn about other exciting events.
Yours in peace, #WeThePeoples2020 secretariat
#wethepeoples2020 is a fortnight of events and action from September 21 – October 2, 2020 on theUnited Nations 75th anniversary focusing on peace, disarmament, the climate and COVID-19 recovery.
#wethepeoples2020 is initiated and hosted by the Abolition 2000 Youth Network, Basel Peace Office, Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament, UNFOLD ZERO and the World Future Council.
Program for A Nuclear Weapon-Free World

Civil Society Global Event on the International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons: September 26, 2020
Online event in two parts:
Part 1: Timed to suit people in Asia/Pacific. Click here to register.
Part 2: Timed to suit people in the Americas/Europe/Africa. Click here to register. Or watch on Facebook.
Click here for program summary with time-zones.
Part 1: Asia/Pacific
7am – 8:30am CET
(Central Europe Time)
2pm-3:30pm Tokyo/Seoul time
• Vanda Proskova
Vice-Chair, PragueVision Institute for Sustainable Security
• Mr. Yuriy Kryvonos (United Nations)
Director of the United Nations Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Asia and the Pacific (live)
• Mr. Karipbek Kuyukov (Kazakhstan)
Honorary Ambassador, The ATOM Project (video message)
• Mr. Rob Tuwhare (New Zealand)
Poem No Ordinary Sun (live)
• Ms Sooyoung Hwang (South Korea)
Disarmament Program Manager, Peoples Solidarity for Participatory Democracy (live)
• Hon Mi-kyung LEE (Republic of Korea)
President of Korea International Cooperation Agency (video message)
• Mr. Kelly Slater (USA)
11 times world surfing champion (video message)
• Trailer: The Man who Saved the World
Trailer for a special screening on September 28, 2020 of an award winning feature film about the incident on September 26, 1983 when Stanislav Petrov prevented a nuclear false alarm from leading to a holocaust.
• John Hallam (Australia)
• People for Nuclear Disarmament, The Human Survival Project (live)
• Prof. Azza Karam (Netherlands)
Secretary-General, Religions for Peace. (video message)
• Ms Heela Yoon (Afghanistan)
Founder, Afghan Women Welfare and Development Association (video message)
• Mr. Solomon Yeo (Solomon Islands)
Pacific Islands Students Fighting Climate Change, World’s Youth for Climate Justice (live)
• Youth voices from nuclear tests (Global)
Youth messages from nuclear test sites. Introduced by Shereen Nanish & Cris Cruz. Assisted by Atomic Reporters (video compilation)
• Hon Ela Gandhi (South Africa)
Founder Gandhi Development Trust. Grand-daughter of Mahatma Gandhi (video message)
Action: Prevent nuclear war, eliminate nukes, shift the money to people and the planet
UNFOLD ZERO introduces an action call to governments and an online appeal (live)
Music Interlude
8:30am CET
(Central Europe Time)
3:30pm Tokyo/Seoul Time
• Sadako and the Thousand Paper Cranes
Makana and the Kwassui Girls Choir, Nagasaki (recorded)
• Two Suns in the Sunset
Roger Waters (Pink Floyd) 2020 remake (recorded). With message from Roger Waters.
• Mourning Amageddon
Makana. Recorded in a Cold War nuclear bomb shelter deep underground in Moscow.
• Beds are Burning
• Midnight Oil original release, with a message from Peter Garrett, lead singer and songwriter and also former Australian Minister for the Environment.
Round 1
8:45am – 9:30am CET
(Central Europe Time)
3:45pm – 4:30pm
Seoul/Tokyo Time
Workshop A: Engaging Legislators
• Led by Laurie Ross (New Zealand) and Liz Remmerswaal (New Zealand)
Laurie is member of the Peace Foundation. Liz is NZ Coordinator for World Beyond War.
Workshop B: Using the law
• Led by Neshan Gunasekera (Sri Lanka) and Matt Robson (New Zealand)
Neshan and Matt are board members of the International Association of Lawyers Against Nuclear Arms
Workshop C: Engaging Youth
• Led by Nuriya Azamatova (Kazakhstan) and Michaela Sorensen (Denmark)
Nuriya is Coordinator of Kazakhstan Youth Peace Week. Michaela is Executive Member of the UN Youth Association of Denmark.
Round 2
9:30am – 10:15am CET
(Central Europe Time)
4:30pm – 5:15pm
Seoul/Tokyo Time
Workshop A: Move the Nuclear Weapons Money
• Led by Vanda Proskova (Czech Republic) and Alyn Ware (New Zealand)
Vanda and Alyn are coordinators of the Move the Nuclear Weapons Money campaign
Workshop B: Nuclear risk reduction/Hair Trigger App
• Led by John Hallam (Australia) and Michaela Sorensen (Denmark)
John is Chair of the Abolition 2000 Working Group on Nuclear-Risk Reduction. Michaela is a member of the UN Youth Association of Denmark.
Workshop C: Origami Crane Making
• Led by Jennifer Sagon-Taeza (Hawaii, USA)
Jennifer is Executive Director of Real Innovative Connections and a member of the Peace Crane Project.
10:30am – 12noon CET
(Central Europe Time)
5:30pm – 7pm
Seoul/Tokyo Time
Moderator: • Alyn Ware (New Zealand)
Global Coordinator of Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament