Canadian PM Justin Trudeau, First Lady Melania Trump, and President-reject Donald Trump.
An American-Canadian’s Perspective
William Thomas / WillThomasOnline
(November 7, 2020) — In this ongoing struggle to preside over a crumbling planet, dementia or derangement is not much of a choice. First among nations in its threats and belligerence, the “Excited States” (as the USA is referred to here in Canada) stands ready to obliterate the world with its trillion-dollar-upgraded “first use” nukes — yet cannot run a free, fair and efficient national election.
Unlike Bolivia. Or Brazil. Even with four years to prepare.
The problem is not which ruling elite representative is awarded the final court verdict. The big glitch with this catastrophe-in-progress is the irreparable damage done to the American people and institutions of governance.
After vote tabulations more egregiously fraudulent than LBJ’s stolen Senatorial race and the Bush-Gore fiasco — even if the astonishing pace of pre-election gunplay does not escalate, the US is now in a state of ideological civil war fully as divisive and hate-filled as the War Between The States.
And just like that vicious altercation, the ill-feelings on both sides from this contemporary “secession” of civility, fair-play and common interests will fester for generations.
Trump did this to himself. By disrupting mail-in voting, inventing “alternative facts”, and lying as often as he draws breath — even if true, his accusations of “voting fraud” are simply not credible.
With President-Select Biden now crowned electoral King of Capitol Hill, Kamala Harris and the rest of us face interminable years of her lame duck presidency in which the much aggrieved — and Senate and Supreme Court-controlling — Republicans will be only too eager to exact payback for Trump’s prolonged crucifixion.
Universal health care? Climate action plans? Alternate energy jobs? Recycled trillions from America’s Perpetual War Department? Troop pullouts from Syria, Iraq, Africa, South America, South Korea and Japan? Fuggitabout it.
“Payback” for China and Russia’s outrageous prosperity and non-compliance to Washington’s increasingly risky dictates? You betcha.
Biden — who never met a war he couldn’t support, a little girl or woman he wouldn’t sniff, or a minority he didn’t want to see imprisoned — promised. And the temptation to embark on still more failed conquests for geriatric macho credibility and domestic distraction will seem increasingly compelling.
Until somebody bumps somebody and zero-response-time hypersonic missiles start flying. When the first carrier is sunk, fisticuffs will “go nuclear”. And no one will ever again have to worry about an “election” involving less than 5% of Earth’s hominid population.
Even before all that thawing Arctic methane lets go.
Swing states? My Tennessee forebears fought the North. I was born in Michigan, went to university in Wisconsin, and served in the US Navy Reserves before resiging my commission over the slaughter in Vietnam. So, yep, I’ve got enough skin in this mess to be outraged over the cynical assasination of the country of my birth for crass political ends by ancient relics who will soon croak anyway.
This is so much bigger than two old men.
In a massively armed and frighteningly ignorant nation addicted to smashing things and killing millions of distant families trapped in its profitably paranoid projections, Biden was right. When the oligarchs win again in late 2020, “nothing will change.”
Did self-obsessed Americans really think the chaos we’ve been spreading around the globe since the Gulf of Tonkin scam would not come home to roost?
The next country the USA invades to impose “American-style democracy” now has even more incentive to resist. Not only in defense of their families and neighborhoods. But to save themselves from… “American-style democracy.”
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