US-made bomb kills Yemeni civilians, inclding children.
ACTION ALERT: No US Bombs for Saudis
Win Without War
(January 4, 2021) — As millions were celebrating the holidays, the Trump administration announced it would sell Saudi Arabia nearly $800 MILLION in weapons — 10,500 of the same bombs that they and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have used to kill Yemeni civilians for the last five years.
2021 has to be the year we finally end US support of the devastating Saudi- and Emirati-led war in Yemen, and here’s how we do it: We challenge every single one of these sales at each possible step.
Unfortunately, pushing the weapons sales forward now means Trump could wrap it up by the time Biden takes office on January 20th. That means we’ve got to jump into action to urge Congress to block these sales NOW — and we need your help in to make sure they hear us.
US involvement in the war in Yemen is nothing short of a disaster. Weapons regularly used to commit apparent war crimes are ‘made in the USA’ by arms dealers like Raytheon and Boeing, approved for sale by the US government, and delivered by US military transportation to their destinations.
These sales only serve to prolong the conflict and deepen the devastation Yemenis are experiencing right now — just days ago, on New Year’s Day an as-yet unclaimed projectile exploded at a wedding in the Red Sea port city of Hodeidah, killing five women.
It’s an absolute disgrace the United States has any involvement with the war in Yemen at all. But these latest announcements only further signal more of the same — that there will be no repercussions for any harm perpetrated by Saudi Arabia or the UAE, even long after Trump leaves office. In fact, it’s just the opposite: instead of accountability, their horrific actions are being rewarded.
That is, unless we get — and stay — LOUD. Yesterday, the 117th Congress took office. And as new and returning members and their staff set up their voicemails and get back to work, we need to be front and center if we’re going to have a chance at making 2021 the year we end US complicity in Yemen.

This fight has been years in the making. Just last month, we saw that our work is STILL cut out for us — the Senate failed to reach the majority needed to formally disapprove of Trump’s proposed $23 billion arms sale to the UAE. We’re bitterly disappointed, but we aren’t deterred.
A new Congress and a new administration offer us new hope that 2021 will be the year we end US support of the war in Yemen. We’re ready to seize this moment — I hope you’re with us at each and every step of the way.
Thank you for working for peace,
Faith, Amisha, Michael, and the Win Without War team

A US frgmentation bomb used to attack Yemen.
January 25: Global No War on Yemen Protest
Have these just felt like the longest four years of your life? You wake up every day and Donald Trump is doing something: stationing military equipment in the Persian Gulf to provoke a war with Iran, endlessly trying to overturn the election. Now, during his last days in office, he wants a bonanza arms sale — $478 million — to Saudi Arabia. Congress has only a couple of weeks to stop it.
A joint resolution of disapproval falls under the Arms Export Control Act of 1976, which provides special procedures through which lawmakers can block a proposed arms sale. Winning the necessary two-thirds majority approval might be challenging, but there is broad and bipartisan support in Congress for ending US involvement in the war in Yemen.
Selling weapons to the Saudi government is especially abhorrent because of the horrible war they are waging in Yemen. If you are a long time CODEPINKer, you know all about Yemen. A beautiful, resilient country that is being subjected to unprecedented violence and deprivation. Instead of respecting Yemeni self-determination, Saudi leaders decided to start a war almost six years ago that is starving and systematically killing Yemeni civilians. Saudi Arabia does not need more weapons, and as America’s top customer of military equipment, the US has a heightened responsibility to #STOPARMINGSAUDI.
It’s plain and simple: The Trump Administration is making the war crimes carried out by aggressive nations possible. Trump, in “facilitating” the not-peace deals between Israel and the UAE, included a massive weapons deal with the UAE, which is also committing war crimes in Yemen. We must oppose new arms sales at every front, especially this new one to Saudi Arabia.
Biden is going to have a lot on his plate. We know this because we are going to pile it on as soon as he takes office! One thing is for sure, the Biden Administration is obligated to not sell any more weapons to Saudi Arabia.
Part of this call on the Biden Administration will start on January 25th, just days after Biden is inaugurated. CODEPINK, along with over 200 organizations, is calling for a global day of action called “The World Says No to War On Yemen.” As we know, the US-Saudi relationship is a driving force behind the disastrous Yemen war, and Biden has a lot of promises to keep on that issue.
ACTION: Join us on January 25th and RSVP to one of the events — DC, LA, Chicago, NYC, London — and find out more about this global day of action.Toward peace,
Ariel, Danaka, Ann, Angela, Carley, Caty, Cody, Emily, Jodie, Kelsey, Leila, Leonardo, Maxine, Mary, Medea, Nancy, Paki, Teri, and Yousef

Around the World on January 25
On January 25th, 2021, 200 organizations around the world are calling on people to have online or COVID safe in-person actions for Yemen. Take action for Yemen on January 25th and make sure governments around the world hear loud and clear: the world is saying NO to war on Yemen!
CODEPINK will be showing up all over. We will be in LA, Chicago, Washington D.C. and online. RSVP to one of the actions and call on the Biden Administration to keep their promise to end US involvement in the war in Yemen.
Stay tuned for a social media toolkit that will be posted here for the day of action. Download and print our poster for this event.
Since 2015, the Saudi-led bombing and blockade of Yemen has killed tens of thousands of people and devastated the country. Yemen has one of the very worst COVID death rates in the world: It kills 1 in 4 people who test positive. The pandemic, along with withdrawal of aid, is pushing more people into acute hunger. And yet Saudi Arabia is escalating its war and tightening its blockade.
The war is only possible because Western countries — and the United States and Britain in particular — continue to arm Saudi Arabia and provide military, political and logistical support for the war.
The disaster in Yemen is man-made. It is caused by the war and blockade. It can be ended.
Over 115 organizations from the US, UK, Yemen, Australia, Bangladesh, Canada, Chile, France, Germany, India, Italy, Poland, Spain, Switzerland, and across the world, are coming together to call for an end to the war in Yemen and solidarity with the people of Yemen. We demand that right now our governments:
• Stop foreign aggression on Yemen.
• Stop weapons and war support for Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.
• Lift the blockade on Yemen and open all land and seaports.
• Restore and expand humanitarian aid for the people of Yemen.
We call on people around the world to protest the war on January 25, 2021, just days after the US presidential inauguration and the day before Saudi Arabia’s “Davos in the Desert” Future Investment Initiative. We ask individuals and organizations everywhere to call for protests — with masks and other safety precautions – in their towns and cities on that day and make clear that the World Says No to War on Yemen.
Events on January 24th-25th:
Virtual: webinar, social media, and more
WHEN: January 24, 2021 at 9:00pm – January 25, 2021 (PST)
WHERE: Around the world
See all the signatories to this call to action here.

Joint Statement: World Says No to War on Yemenبيان مشترك : رفض الحرب على اليمن
Arabic. French, German and Spanish translations here
Since 2015, the Saudi-led bombing and blockade of Yemen have killed tens of thousands of people and devastated the country. The UN calls this the largest humanitarian crisis on Earth. Half the country’s people are on the brink of famine, the country has the world’s worst cholera outbreak in modern history, and now Yemen has one of the very worst COVID death rates in the world: It kills 1 in 4 people who test positive. The pandemic, along with withdrawal of aid, is pushing more people into acute hunger.
And yet Saudi Arabia is escalating its war and tightening its blockade.
The war is only possible because Western countries — and the United States and Britain in particular — continue to arm Saudi Arabia and provide military, political and logistical support for the war. The Western powers are active participants and have the power to stop the world’s most acute human crisis.
The disaster in Yemen is man-made. It is caused by the war and blockade. It can be ended.
People and organisations from the Yemen, UK, US, Australia, Bangladesh, Canada, Chile, Cyprus, Denmark, France, Germany, India, Italy, Poland, Spain, Switzerland, and across the world, are coming together to call for an end to the war in Yemen and solidarity with the people of Yemen. We demand that right now our governments:
• Stop foreign aggression on Yemen.
• Stop weapons and war support for Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.
• Lift the blockade on Yemen and open all land and sea ports.
• Restore and expand humanitarian aid for the people of Yemen.
We call on people around the world to protest the war on January 25, 2021, just days after the US presidential inauguration and the day before Saudi Arabia’s ‘Davos in the Desert’ Future Investment Initiative.
We ask individuals and organisations everywhere to call for protests — with masks and other safety precautions — in their towns and cities on that day and make clear that the WORLD SAYS NO TO WAR ON YEMEN.
Below please add your organisation’s name to this statement. For more information, please contact national@actioncorps.org.
1. Stop the War Coalition (UK)
2. Action Corps (US)
3. Yemeni Alliance Committee (US)
4. Yemen Relief and Reconstruction Foundation (US)
6. Just Foreign Policy (US)
7. Peace Action (US)
8. Voices for Creative Nonviolence (UK and US)
9. Freedom Forward (US)
10. Massachusetts Peace Action (US)
11. Peace Action New York State (US)
12. London Students for Yemen (UK)
13. Arab Organisation for Human Rights in the UK
14. Nonviolence International (Global)
15. Mobilization Against War and Occupation (Canada)
16. Rete No War Roma (Italy)
17. The Lady Fatemah Charitable Trust (UK)
18. Union of Arab American Women (US)
19. RootsAction.org (US)
20. Labour Against the Arms Trade (Canada)
21. Yemeni Community in Canada
22. Iraqi Democrats (UK)
23. Raytheon Anti-War Campaign, Mass. (US)
24. World BEYOND War
25. Campaign Against Arms Trade (UK)
26. Western New York Peace Center (US)
27. Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (UK)
28. White Rabbit Grove RDNA (US)
29. New Jersey Peace Action (US)
30. Students for Yemen (US)
31. Islamophobia Studies Center (US)
32. Arabian Rights Watch Association (US)
33. Veterans For Peace – Santa Fe Chapter (US)
34. Baltimore, MD Phil Berrigan Memorial Chapter Veterans For Peace (US)
35. Veterans For Peace – NYC Chapter 34 (US)
36. Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space (US)
37. Granny Peace Brigade (US)
38. Australian Anti-Bases Campaign Coalition
39. NYC Metro Raging Grannies (US)
40. The New York Catholic Worker (US)
41. United National Antiwar Coalition (US)
42. Pax Christi USA
43. Maine WTR Resource Center (US)
44. Banyan Tree (India)
45. No to War – No to NATO (International)
46. Dwight Hall Peace Initiative (US)
47. Demilitarise Education Ltd. (UK)
48. Stop the WAR in Yemen (Germany)
49. Veterans For Peace (US)
50. Insan for Human Rights and Peace (Germany)
51. Grup Antimilitarista Tortuga (Spain)
52. Pax Christi Whatcom (US)
53. Pax Christi Illinois (US)
54. St. Camillus/Pax Christi Los Angeles (US)
55. Pax Christi Lansing (US)
56. Pax Christi Dallas (US)
57. Holy Spirit Catholic Community (US)
58. Pax Christi Little Rock (US)
59. Marymount-Pax Christi (US)
60. American Friends Service Committee (US)
61. Pax Christi El Paso (US)
62. Colectivo Noviolencia (Spain)
63. Human Rights for Yemen Charity (UK: England & Wales)
64. Frente Antiimperialista Internacionalista (Spain)
65. Catholics for Peace and Justice (US)
66. Peace Action of WI (US)
67. Laughton Greenwood (UK)
68. Rodmell Food Forest (UK)
69. Center for International Policy
70. Pax Christi Northern CA (US)
71. Albert and Amelia Ferst Interfaith Center (US)
72. Canadian Defenders For Human Rights
73. United for Peace and Justice (US)
74. The United Methodist Church – General Board of Church and Society (US)
75. Social and Cultural Association of Polish Palestinians (Poland)
76. University Network for Human Rights (US)
77. New Internationalism Project, Institute for Policy Studies (US)
78. Peace by Peace (US)
79. La France insoumise (France)
80. Ain Sohaota Kendra Foundation (Bangladesh)
81. Just Peace Advocates (Canada)
82. Peace in Kurdistan (UK)
83. Movimiento por un mundo sin guerras y sin violencia (Chile)
84. Veterans For Peace Chapter 61-St Louis MO (US)
85. NW/1400/5 Branch Unite the Union (UK)
86. East Lancashire CND (UK)
87. Nasmo Foundation for Rights & Freedom Supporting the Social Peace (Yemen)
88. Entesaf for Woman and Child Rights (Yemen)
89. CAPA DePaul (US)
90. Collectif Échec à la guerre (Canada)
91. Tower Hamlets CND (UK)
92. Amnesty Thetford (UK)
93. Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament Cymru (UK)
94. London Campaign Against Arms Trade (UK)
95. Midland PeaceWorks (Canada)
96. Cymdeithas y Cymod, the Fellowship of Reconciliation in Wales
97. Canadian Foreign Policy Institute
98. Vancouver Peace Poppies (Canada)
99. Aktion Aufschrei – Stoppt den Waffenhandel! (Germany)
100. Peace & Neutrality Alliance Ireland
101. Human Rights Sentinel (Ireland)
102. War Resisters League (US)
103. Canadian Peace Congress
104. Lebenshaus Schwäbische Alb e.V. (Germany)
105. Migrant Solidarity Network (Switzerland)
106. The Nuclear Resister (US)
107. Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom US
108. Canadian BDS Coalition
109. Forum Peace Ethics within the Evangelical Church of Baden, Germany
110. Chicago Area Peace Action (US)
111. Chicago Committee Against War and Racism (US)
112. Black Lives Matter (UK)
113. Pax Christi Western Massachusetts (US)
114. Madison-Rafah Sister City Project (US)
115. Science for Peace Canada
116. Disarm Oxford (UK)
117. Bund fuer Soziale Verteidigung (Federation for Social Defence) (Germany)
118. Kooperation für den Frieden / Cooperation for Peace (Germany)
119. Revolutionary United Front (US)
120. East lancashire CND (UK)
121. Centre for the Study of Gender, Culture and Social Processes (India)
122. UK Democratic Socialists of America
123. Nación Andaluza (Spain)
124. Health Alliance International (US)
125. North Country Peace Group, Setauket, NY (US)
126. Peace Pledge Union (UK)
127. United Against Inhumanity
128. Salam For Yemen (France)
129. Asociación de Militares y Reservistas de Especial Disponibilidad 45+ (Spain)
130. Association Coopérative d’Économie familiale de Québec (Canada)
131. Solidarios sin Fronteras (Spain and Yemen)
132. La Guerra Empieza Aquí (Spain)
133. GERNIKA GOGORATUZ Peace Research Center (Spain)
134. Alternativa antimilitarista. Moc Las Palmas (Spain)
135. Karabana Mugak Zabaldu (Spain)
136. Gernikatik Mundura ONGD (Spain)
137. rete antirazzista catanese e Comitato NoMuos//NoSigonella-Ct (Italy)
138. Information Centre on Militarisation (IMI) (Germany)
139. Jungsozialist*innen Kanton Zürich (Switzerland)
140. Réseau du Forum Social de Québec-Chaudière-Appalaches (Canada)
141. Le Mouvement de la Paix – France
142. Maine War Tax Resistance Resource Center (US)
144. Rehumanize International (US)
145. Environmentalists Against War (US)
146. Positive Moon (UK)
147. Peace Action Maine (US)
148. Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space (US)
149. Women in Black – Augusta, Maine (US)
150. Civilized Humanity (US)
151. Behind Enemy Lines Anti-Imperialist Resistance (US)
152. WILPF-ITALIA (Italy)
153. Greater Brunswick PeaceWorks (US)
154. Comitato pace convivenza “Danilo Dolci” – Trieste (Italy)
155. Pax Christi (Italy)
156. LEPOCO Peace Center (Lehigh-Pocono Committee of Concern) (US)
157. Democratic Socialists of America, SF Chapter, International Solidarity Committee (US)
159. Abbasso la Guerra OdV (Italy)
160. Bien Vivre Ensemble (Canada)
161. Charter for compassion Yemen (Yemen)
162. Merrimack Valley People for Peace (US)
163. Frauennetzwerk für Frieden e.V. (Women’s Network for Peace, Germany)
164. Centro Studi Sereno Regis (Italy)
165. Democratic Socialists of America – International Committee (US)
166. Voices for Creative Nonviolence (US)
167. Yemen Relief and Reconstruction Foundation (US)
168. Al-Hayah (Yemen)
169. Palestinian Youth Movement (North America)
170. Women Against Nuclear Power – Finland
171. Shadow World Investigations (UK)
172. Justice Movement-Yemen
173. Palestine Aid Belfast (UK)
174. Spin Film (US)
175. Xaverian Missionaries UK Region
176. Pax Christi Scotland
177. Political Discussions for Peace (Cyprus)
178. Tid Til Fred – aktiv mod krig (Time for Peace – active against war) (Denmark)
179. Bwana Foundation (US)
180. Peace Action Bay Ridge (US)
181. Doctors in Unite branch of Unite the Union (UK)
182. Samidoun Palestinian Prisoner Solidarity Network (International)
183. Northeast Tennessee Democratic Socialists of America (US)
184. NYC War Resisters League (US)
185. CodePink EastBay Chapter, SF Bay Area, California (US)
186. MENA Rights Group (Switzerland)
187. Revista La Mar de Onuba (Spain)
188. Emakumeok gerraren aurka – Mujeres contra la guerra (Basque Country, Spain)
189. Berkeley Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) (US)
190. Stand for Justice (UK)
191. Birmingham National Education Union (UK)
192. Merseyside Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (UK)
193. Project South (US)
194. Justice for Muslims Collective (US)
195. Arab Resource & Organizing Center (AROC) (US)
196. Green Party Peace Action (US)
197. Veteranos por la Paz España (Spain)
198. US Campaign for Palestinian RIghts (USCPR) (US)
199. Libyan American Alliance (US)
200. Seed the Commons (US)
201. Yemen Solidarity Council (International)
202. Yemeni Community Association of Canada
203. Friends of Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) in France
204. Save Yemen (Yemen)
205. Antennes de paix Montréal (Canada)
206. Jewish Voice for Peace, Bay Area Chapter (US)
207. Long Beach Area Peace Network (US)
208. Broome Tioga Green Party (US)
209. Pasaje Seguro Cantabria (Spain)
211. MusCare (US)
212. Dorchester People for Peace and Justice (US)
213. World Can’t Wait (US)
214. Fire This Time Movement for Social Justice (Canada)
215. Carovane Migranti (Italy)
216. Justice is Global (US)
217. Pendle Palestine Twinning Group (UK)
218. Avaaz (International)
219. Boston DSA Internationalism Working Group (US)
220. Sam for rights and development (Yemen)
221. The Union Of Arabian Academics (Yemen)
222. Muslims United for Justice (US)
223. Illinois Green Party (US)
224. Neighbors For Peace/Evanston-Chicago (US)
225. Coop Anti-War Cafe Berlin (Germany)
226. Canadians for Justice and Peace in the Middle East (CJPME) (Canada)