A Webinar: February 27, 2PM Eastern Time
World BEYOND War, Voice of Women for Peace, Pax Christi Toronto, and the Canadian Foreign Policy Institute
(February 25, 2021) — Fasts and hunger strikes are a time-honored and vital form of political resistance and non-violent protest. We’re pleased to announce a webinar this Saturday February 27 at 2pm ET where we’ll learn more about this powerful tool for justice from those who have used it to campaign against violence, and for prisoner justice, climate action, and demilitarization.
We will also announce an upcoming fast in April 2021 to oppose Canada’s planned purchase of 88 bomber planes and share information on how you can get involved. [For more information, see story below — EAW]
Speakers Include:
• Kathy Kelly — American peace activist, pacifist and author, three-time nominee for the Nobel Peace Prize. She has lived in active combat zones in Iraq, Afghanistan, Bosnia, Haiti, Lebanon, Gaza, and Palestine and participated in numerous hunger strikes.
• Souheil Benslimane — Abolitionist, prisoner and migrant justice organizer, Coordinator of the Jail Accountability and Information Line (JAIL) hotline, member of the Criminalization and Punishment Education Project (CPEP) and the Ottawa Sanctuary Network (OSN). Currently supporting the Maplehurst prisoner hunger strike.
• Lyn Adamson — Lifelong activist, National Co-Chair of Canadian Voice of Women for Peace, co-founder of ClimateFast which began with a 12 day fast on Parliament Hill demanding climate action. A life-long Quaker, Lyn has been a mediator and trainer for conflict resolution in Canada and in nonviolence for peace teams in conflict zones.
• Matthew Behrens — Writer and coordinator of Homes not Bombs, a nonviolent direct action network that seeks to transform institutional and interpersonal violence through education, organizing, training, and creative approaches to resistance.
We hope you can join us on February 27. In solidarity,
Your hosts — World BEYOND War, Voice of Women for Peace, Pax Christi Toronto, and the Canadian Foreign Policy Institute

Boeing Super Hornet
Canada Says No to Fighter Jets: The Campaign to Stop Canada’s Planned Purchase of 88 Boeing Fighter Jets
Why we say No:
• Death: The purpose of these jets is to drop bombs and kill people. Canada’s current stock of fighter jets has spent the last few decades bombing Afghanistan, Libya, Iraq, Serbia, and Syria, prolonging violent conflict and contributing to massive humanitarian and refugee crises. These operations had an immediate deadly toll on human life (disproportionally children), and killed many more by destroying vital civilian infrastructure.
• Cost: An upfront cost of $19 billion. At least $77 billion over the lifespan of the jets. The second most expensive procurement in Canadian history. That’s money we need for healthcare, education, housing, clean water, and to address the true global threats we face, none of which can be bombed.
• Climate: Jet fuel emissions are already enormous and accelerating the climate crisis. These new jets will lock us in to massive, deadly carbon emissions for the next 30 years, making any of Canada’s climate targets impossible to achieve.
On February 25 2021 the No Fighter Jets Coalition launched our first report, detailing the true cost of the planned jet purchase.
• Download the full report as a pdf here.