Examining (and Exposing) the Cold War
Gar Smith / Environmentalists Against War & Berkeley Daily Planet
On March 21, a remarkable coalition including Witness for Peace, CODEPINK, Project Censored, Veterans for Peace, World BEYOND War and many others, hosted a remarkable webinar dubbed “The Cold War Truth Commission: A Day of Education, Testimony and Action.” The historic CWTC webinar was supposed to run for seven hours but actually continued for nearly ten-hours.
Host Rachel Bruhnke (from Witness for Peace Southwest) underscored the historical thesis to be examined—that the Cold War “was more or less a Trojan Horse for US fascism.”
The roster of 57 participants included Oliver Stone, Medea Benjamin, Daniel Ellsberg, Kathy Kelly, Norman Solomon, Marcy Winograd, Mumia Abul-Jamal, Jodie Evans, S. Brian Willson, Any Wright, and (thanks to a film clip) the late US Attorney General Ramsey Clark.
Topics raised in the webinar included CIA-backed global interventions during the Cold War; McCarthyism and the crushing of labor and the left in the US; the Cold War’s Nuclear Legacy; the culture coup behind Hollywood Blacklist; and the red-baiting of social activists as far back as 1850.
The organizers contend that Cold War constitutes one of America’s three greatest historic crimes—the other two being “the genocide and land-theft against Native Americans and the kidnapping and enslavement of African peoples.”
The Truth Commission argues that the specter of the Cold War was concocted as a means to pursue “illegal and immoral actions in the name of Anti-communism at home and abroad.”
Panel participants charged that, after the death of President Franklin Roosevelt, US intelligence officials intentionally lied to Vice President Harry Truman, feeding him false narratives about a growing threat from the Soviet Union—including spurious reports that the USSR had imminent plans to invade and occupy Western Europe.
Thus, the Cold War was born—mid-wifed by Pentagon hard-liners and a cabal of powerful American businessmen—including some with ties to the “Bankers’ Coup” that plotted the armed overthrow of Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1933.
The plot to back a fascist takeover to remove Roosevelt from office was exposed by Gen. Smedley Butler, the most decorated Marine in US history. Butler had been secretly approached to lead a 500,000-man assault on the capitol. Instead, Butler revealed the plot to a congressional committee. Here is a video of Butler explaining how some of the wealthiest men in America (including Prescott Bush, the father of George H. W. and his son, George W) conspired to “set up a fascist dictatorship.”
After Rossevelt’s death, warhawks began to run wild under Harry Truman until Dwight Eisenhower (in a parting message) felt compelled to warn his fellow Americans about the rise of the “military-industrial complex.” But it was John F. Kennedy who—after the Bay of Pigs disaster—actually renounced the shadow government and threatened to “splinter the CIA in a thousand pieces and scatter it to the winds.”
In a speech at American University on June 10, 1963, Kennedy laid it on the line:
“Mankind must put an end to war or war will put an end to mankind. It is therefore our intention to challenge the Soviet Union—not to an arms race but to a peace race. To advance together, step-by-step, until general and complete disarmament has been achieved under the eyes of an international disarmament organization, a steady reduction in arms — both nuclear and conventional— until it has abolished all armies and all weapons. And we should start that process now, today . . . .”
It wasn’t just talk. Kennedy drafted a plan to remove all US troops from Vietnam by the end of 1965. On October 4, 1963, a reluctant General Maxwell Taylor was ordered to begin preparing for the withdrawal. It didn’t happen. Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963, That made it possible for Nixon to win election on a promise to “end the war.” It didn’t happen. The US war on Vietnam continued for five more bloody years, further enriching the oligarchs of Pentagonlandia.
During his CWTC appearance, history professor and filmmaker John Hankey reflected: “I don’t think there’s any question that Kennedy was murdered because he planned to end the Cold War.” Hanky also offered the following: “At several cocktail parties, Nancy Pelosi has said that ‘[Dick] Cheney killed [progressive Minnesota Senator Paul] Wellstone.'” And that’s why no Democrat dares talk about the Deep State or JFK’s murder, 58 years after the fact.
Here is a one-hour summation of the event’s highlights:
And here is a link to the entire day-long presentation:
And here’s a time-saver for the rest of us:
There’s no need to binge-watch the entire contents of the CWTC in a single sitting. We’ve prepared a Table of Contents for your browsing convenience that contains links to all the presentations, each of which can be viewed separately.
Opening Remarks by Rachel Bruhnke and Frank Dorrel
1. Plutocracy: Wealth Governs This Country:— Former US Attorney General Ramsey Clark: Talk from 1998.
2. Why We Need This Truth Commission to Expose ‘Cold War’ Lies — Jim Lafferty
3. Henry Wallace and the Cold War’s Beginning — Peter Kuznick & Clip from Oliver Stone’s: “The Untold History of The US”
4. The Role of the Military Industrial Congressional Complex — Daniel Ellsberg
5. Excerpt From ‘The Second Bill of Rights’ State of the Union Speech 1944′ — Read by Madison Tang, CODEPINK Youth Peace Collective
6. Anti Communism As a Weapon Against Progress — Rossana Cambron
7. Cold War Revisionism — Michael Meeropol
8. The US Cold War As a Self Inflicted Wound — Gerald Horne – Read by Genesis Mora, PSL
9. The Red Baiting of Abolitionists in 1850 — Carolfrances Likens
10.The Pro-Fascist Nature of US Anti-Communism — Rick Fellows
11. Is the Fear of “Communists” a Big Deal in Europe A Green’s Perspective — Mike Feinstein
12. A Sequence of Lies, the US Cold War and Today — Jeremy Kuzmarov
13. Lesson from my Father, Phil Agee, and the CIA — Chris Agee
14. The White Supremacist Nature of the US Cold War — Michael Novick
15. Historical and Current US Cold War Against Russia — Alice Slater
16. Why So Many Progressives Bought Into the ‘Russiagate’ Frenzy — Norman Solomon
Song – Work For Peace — By Gil Scott-Heron
17. Citizens’ Commission to Investigate the FBI — Written by Mumia Abul-Jamal & Stephen Vittoria – Read by Alexis Green
18. What HUAC Did to My Father — Susan Gossman
19. McCarthyism’s Effect on American Workers Case Study — Gregory Godels
20. How the American People Lost the Cold War — Richard Moser
21. Censoring of the Truth During The US Cold War to Today — Mickey Huff
22. The Housing Crisis, Land Accumulation and Cold War Ideology — Chris Venn
23. The Cost of US Militarism in the US Cold War to Today — Carley Towne
24. Weaponizing Space in the US Cold War to Today — Bruce Gagnon
25. There Was Nothing ‘COLD’ About the Cold War — David Vine
26. War Resistance In the 1980’s As Foundation for 1991 Iraq War Resistance — Kathy Kelly
27. Combatting the Lies of the US Cold War Today — David Swanson
28. US News Media: The Enduring Cold War Legacy — Jeff Cohen
29. The US Cold War Against Liberation Theology — Peter McLaren
30. Lucius Walker: The Legacy of a Visionary Pastor for Peace — Gail Walker
31. Resist War! A Message to Today’s Youth — Gerry Condon
32. TikTok: A Warning on American Hypocrisy — Emily Dorrel
33. The Pledge of Allegiance, “God” and the US Cold War — Alma Bruhnke
34. The Cold War in the US Classroom — Marcy Winograd
35. Combating Anti-Communism in the 1960s — Eric Mann
36. The Environmental Catastrophe of Militarism and the US Cold War — Carl Boggs
Song – Is It For Freedom — By Sara Thomsen
37. School of Assassins — Father Roy Bourgeois – Video
38. Cover Up Behind the Iran Contra Affair & The Panama Deception By Barbara Trent & David Kasper
39. The US Cold War vs African Liberation Struggles — Medea Benjamin
40. Origins of US Iranian Tension — Nuri Ronaghy
41. The NSA and CIA Protects Concentrated Global Capitalism — Peter Phillips
42. Afghanistan as a Pawn in the US Cold War — Matthew Hoh
43. Inside and Outside the Military Industrial Complex — Ann Wright
44. Historical and Current US Cold War Against China — Jodie Evans
45. The Cold War and Continued Conflict With Syria — John Parker
46. The Ongoing US Cold War Against Honduras — Miguel Angel
47. The US Cold War Against El Salvador and Its Aftermath — Alicia Rivera
48. The Dirty War in Argentina — Alicia Jrapko – Read by Brenda Lopez, LA Cuba Coalition
Song – Lives In The Balance — By Jackson Browne
49. US Involvement in Creating and Sustaining the Cold War Against Korea — Written by S. Brian Willson and read by Emily Dorrel of CODEPINK
50. “We Are Not Worth More, They Are Not Worth Less” — S. Brian Willson Video
51. The Rise of Aerial Bombardment Throughout the Cold War — Joel Andreas
52. CIA Intrigue, the 1965 Coup Against Indonesia — Nadya Williams
53. HUAC, the Hollywood Blacklist and McCarthyism — Ed Rampell
54. The US Cold War and the Murder of ‘Communal’ Values — John Hankey Video