One of the Most Important Things Coming out of COP26
Matt Maiorana / Price of Oil & Oil Change International
(November 11, 2021) — Yesterday at the UN climate talks, Denmark’s Climate Minister Dan Jørgensen said words far too many governments seem afraid of: “There is no future for oil and gas.”
The words came as part of the launch of the Beyond Oil & Gas Alliance (BOGA), the first-ever diplomatic initiative acknowledging the need for governments to manage the phase out of fossil fuel production as a key tool to address the climate crisis.
Twelve countries and regions launched the initiative yesterday — and now is the time to increase the pressure on other countries to join the Alliance.
ACTION: Click here to sign a petition calling on world leaders to join the Beyond Oil & Gas Alliance and share their plans to phase out fossil fuel production. We’ve known for years that the UN climate talks alone aren’t going to solve the climate crisis. This is exactly why we’ve been hard at work putting together the Beyond Oil & Gas Alliance over the past year.
BOGA has the potential to help reframe the global climate conversation to ensure that the need to phase out oil and gas can no longer be ignored — regardless of the outcomes of this year’s climate talks (COP26).Most notably, countries in the Alliance have to adopt measures to end new oil and gas exploration and extraction. This is a massive change from the status quo — this is a group of true “first movers” when it comes to keeping oil and gas in the ground.
The twelve countries and regions that launched this initiative yesterday include Costa Rica, Denmark, France, Ireland, Québec, Greenland, Sweden and Wales joining as full members, and California, New Zealand and Portugal joining as associate members.
The launch of BOGA has already energized our allies around the world to ask a simple question to their government: where is your plan to stop producing the fossil fuels that are causing the climate crisis?
Many key countries are still missing, as you can see, but this is just the starting point — now is when we start increasing the pressure.
We’ll take your signatures and deliver them directly to key countries that are on the fence. If you want to do more, click here to tweet about this historic and exciting initiative.
The UN climate negotiations are usually more talk than action, so it was exciting this year to see so much momentum building outside the official negotiating rooms. There’s a lot more work to be done, but it feels like we have some solid footholds to start the climb.
Thanks for being here with us and for all of your support.
Tell Our Leaders: Keep the World on a Path to 1.5°C

Price of Oil & the Beyond Oil & Gas Alliance
Twelve countries and regions have come together to take the historic step of launching the Beyond Oil & Gas Alliance (BOGA). This is the first diplomatic initiative acknowledging the need for governments to manage the phase out of fossil fuel production as a key tool to address the climate crisis.
The Beyond Oil & Gas Alliance has the potential to help reframe the global climate conversation to ensure that the need to phase out oil and gas can no longer be ignored. And the countries that join the alliance, most notably, have to adopt measures to end new oil and gas exploration and extraction.
The twelve countries and regions that launched this initiative include Costa Rica, Denmark, France, Ireland, Québec, Greenland, Sweden and Wales joining as full members, and California, New Zealand and Portugal joining as associate members.
Many key countries are still missing, but this is a massive step forward in the climate fight. Join the petition calling on more governments to join.
World leaders,
The climate crisis is here and fossil fuels are the cause. I call on you to join the Beyond Oil & Gas Alliance and share your plan for managing the phase-out of fossil fuel production.
Joining the Beyond Oil & Gas Alliance is an important step towards a managed phase-out of fossil fuel production.