Why Has the US Refused to Join the
164 Nations that Have Outlawed Landmines?
Humanity & Inclusion
(December 3, 2021) — Today marks 24 years since the 1997 Mine Ban Treaty opened for signatures in Ottawa, Canada. This life-saving treaty counts 164 States parties.
As you know, the United States is still not among them.
We are grateful that you share our determination to fix this flaw in US foreign policy. Thank you for supporting our mine advocacy work, whether by donating to help clear weapons in places like Laos or Colombia, or adding your name to the petition to ban landmines (click here to sign and share, if you haven’t already!).
Today, we feature one of our most committed advocates: Reverend Joyce Myers-Brown.Rev. Myers-Brown has been fighting for a mine-free world for decades. She has generously supported Humanity & Inclusion’s work to clear landmines since 2007, and includes mine action as part of her legacy plans.
Each December, Rev. Myers-Brown helps her friends and fellow members at the Central Congregational United Church of Christ in Atlanta learn about the scourge of landmines. She can explain this well, as she saw the terror that landmines inflict on civilians when she was living in Angola.
Through her church’s alternative gift market, she graciously encourages others to support Humanity & Inclusion’s worldwide mine action efforts: removal of explosive devices from contaminated land, community mine-risk education sessions, rehabilitation care and mental health assistance for survivors of these weapons. She advocates for the US to ban landmines, too.
Humanity and Inclusion (Landmine Eradication)
Our work isn’t possible without incredible supporters, like Rev. Myers-Brown. Like you.
We are in constant awe of the creative ways you all find to power this critical work. We are forever grateful for your generosity.
Humanity & Inclusion