ACTION ALERT: Ukraine Peace Appeal: Stop the War: Negotiate for Peace

July 30th, 2022 - by Berlin Against War, German Peace Council, et al

ACTION ALERT: Peace Appeal:
Stop Warfare in Ukraine! Negotiations Now!

Berlin Against War, German Peace Council, et al

BERLIN (July 25, 2022) — After Russia’s surprise military intervention in the Ukraine, it was a matter of classifying the abrupt start of hostilities, to which, from the Russian point of view, several factors led:
•   The dynamically increasing training and arming initiatives of NATO countries to make the Ukrainian military powerful and compatible with NATO standards;
•   Second, the multiplying shelling of the Donbass republics from well-fortified positions of the Ukrainian armed forces since the middle of February;
•   Lastly, the consideration that further delay would increase the risk of NATO weapons stockpile and base expansion and nuclear weapons deployment in Ukraine.

Even before Russia’s attack, the Ukrainian president had unchallenged in his speech to the Munich Security Conference that his country would withdraw from the Budapest Memorandum. A hint that Ukraine would seek the disposition of nuclear weapons.

The Russian wording; special military operation (SMO) also needed explanation: Russia wanted to distinguish its war aims from those of usual (Western) wars in the 21st century. The operational objectives, described several times, are

– Military security for the Donbass republics,
– Recognition of Crimea’s secession to Russia,
– the de-militarization and de-nazification of Ukraine and
– its renunciation of NATO membership.

Ukraine occupies a special position for geographic reasons — military targets deep into Russia’s interior can be reached from Ukraine’s eastern part in a matter of minutes, depending on the type of weapon.

De-Nazification became necessary because of the increased penetration of all state power structures with neo-fascist and extreme Russophobic groups and militias since 2014, as well as a culture of nationalist homage to collaborators of the 1941-44 Nazi occupation.

On another issue, what the Russian government knew before the armed conflict is open to question: nearly 30 bio-labs operated by the US were discovered by its troops, who do such dangerous research as with Ebola, smallpox, and anthrax cultures. In the US itself, such research is banned.

Quite fundamentally, Russia wants its legitimate security interests, which have been declared and conveyed diplomatically many times, to finally be respected by the West instead of being part of an arms race. Russia demands from the West a policy of withdrawing the military threat potential that has been built up by NATO’s incessant eastward expansion and military massing in front of Russia’s western border.

In the 1990s, Russia did not expect NATO to begin a series of “global order”; wars and interventions. The 1997 NATO-Russia Founding Act pledges of “indivisible security of all states”; and of a common and comprehensive security; in the Euro-Atlantic community turned out to be deceptions, analogous to supposed promises of peace not to seek an eastward expansion of NATO and the military alliance’s strike power.

Late last year, the Russian government made another attempt to conclude a security treaty with NATO powers for the peaceful settlement of tensions on its western border, which was finally rejected by the United States and NATO at the end of January 2022. This included the establishment of a mutual demilitarized security zone along Russia’s western border, including airspace and adjacent seas.

To overcome the internal conflict in Ukraine triggered by the US-led coup, the 2015 Minsk 2 agreement, which is valid under international law, could have played an important role. However, this opportunity, favored by Russia to peacefully resolve the conflict with the breakaway republics, was thwarted.

In hindsight, it is admitted by the Ukrainian ex-president that he never thought of implementing the agreement. The two Western guarantor states, Germany and France, participated in this farce.

Ukraine was encouraged to force back the breakaway territories including Crimea on the battlefield. Ukrainian forces, rebuilt with NATO support after the coup, have worked since 2014 to wage a winnable war against the disliked Russian-speaking residents of eastern Ukraine and Russia itself. Russian forces actually found written Ukrainian attack plans for March 8 in late February.

How Did the West Respond?
•   With one-sided or false information about the war in Ukraine.
•   With an unprecedented economic; sanctions regime; now over 30,000 individual measures.
•   With disinterest in a rapid end to the bloodshed. With commodity and grain speculation bubbles on world stock markets.
•   With Germany’s refusal to approve the completed Nordstream 2 pipeline, which drove the price of gas even higher.
•   With the evidence-free claim that Russia is using countries’ energy dependence as a “weapon”;
•   With a phased embargo on Russian oil. With cutting Russia off from the Western-controlled SWIFT payment system.
•   With attempts to isolate Russia globally.
•   With the assertion, because of “Putin”; it comes to social and economic crises — not by stock exchange speculation, inflation and deliberately caused! Gas shortage.

We are supposed to believe the threat of hunger crises and large-scale social dislocation is the fault of “Putin”;
•   With increasing arms deliveries, including training units, including advisors, including ground reconnaissance to Ukraine.

The Ukrainian government was talked out of its initial interest in negotiating with Russia. The West watches unmoved as the Ukrainian armed forces die en masse, that arms deliveries cannot bring about a fundamental turnaround. Ukraine is becoming more destroyed and impoverished by the week.

For the West, including our government, the only thing that matters is whether there are signs that Russia is being massively weakened economically and militarily. How the people in Ukraine are doing is not taken into consideration. Nor to the people in the EU.

The West is concerned with the defeat of Russia! With what right? This is completely irresponsible and sheer imperialist warmongering! The West does not even shy away from the danger of a 3rd world war.

We Do Not Want That!

ACTION: To sign: or fill out the formmailer here

Heinrich Buecker, Coop Anti-War Café Berlin, Member of Chair, German Peace Council e.V.
Ingrid Koschmieder, Friedensaktivistin, Freidenkermitglied, Berlin, Germany
Ray McGovern, CIA analyst/presidential briefer (retired), USA
Bahman Azad, Executive Secretary, US Peace Council, New Jersey, USA
Agneta Norberg, No to NATO, Hägersten, Schweden
Roger Waters, Musician, UK
Alfred L. Marder, President, US Peace Council, New Haven, Connecticut, USA
Joachim Bonatz, Ostdeutsches Kuratorium von Verbänden e.V., Berlin, Germany
Dr. Dieter Dehm, frm. member of German Parliament (Deutscher Bundestag), DIE LINKE
Dr. Matthias Werner, Präsidium des OKV e.V., Berlin, Germany
Mathilde Furtner, Aktion Freiheit statt Angst e.V., Berlin, Germany
Jesús Rodríguez-Espinoza, Editor Orinoco Tribune, Caracas, Venezuela
Bärbel Brede, Bildende Künstlerin, Teltow, Germany
Eunju Lee, freelancer, Seoul, South-Korea
Bruce Gagnon, Veteran & peace activist, Maine, USA
Gina Pietsch, Sängerin, Berlin, Germany
Henry Lowendorf, US Peace Council, New Haven, CT USA
Norman Paech, Professor i.R., Universität Hamburg, Germany
Evelin Genzel, Aufstehen, Berlin, Germany
Rudolf Denner, Ostdeutsches Kuratorium von Verbänden e.V., Berlin, Germany
Hans-Joachim Genzel, Berlin, Germany
Claudia Karas, AG Palästina, Frankfurt (M), Germany
Dr. Edgar Göll, Zukunftsforscher, Berlin, Germany
Philip Janssen, Frente Unido América Latina Berlin, Germany
Lilly Häussler, Berlin, Germany
Volker Bräutigam, Mölln, Germany
Dr. Izzeddin Musa, Wachtberg, Germany
Harri Gruenberg, Aufstehen Vorstand Trägerverein, Berlin, Germany
Wolfram Elsner, Professor, Bremen, Germany
Jörg Tiedjen, Journalist, Berlin, Germany
Liane Kilinc, Friedensbrücke-Kriegsopferhilfe e.V., Wandlitz, Germany
Ana Barbara von Keitz, Berlin, Germany
Alvaro Rodriguez, International Secretary of the CPUSA, Houston, USA
Wolfgang Behr, Herdw.-Schönach, Germany
Klaus Helms, member Union Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), Schwerin/Meckl., Germany
Dr. Manfred Groll, Prof. (i.R.), Gerlingen, Germany
Dr. Dieter Luhn, Vorsitzender Arbeitskreis Geschichte der Jugendhochschule “Wilhelm Pieck”, Berlin
Monika Brendel, Berlin, Germany
Immanuel Ness, University Professor. New York, U$
Erika Zeun, Sehmatal-Cranzahl, Germany
Rainer Rupp, Free lance journalist, Saarburg, Germany
Bernd Gnant, Kühlungsborn, Germany
Christiane Anders, Rotfuchs e.V., Galenbeck, Germany
Norbert Staffa, Großolbersdorf, Germany
Frank Pfeifer, Traditionsverband der NVA, Bonn, Germany
Gerald Böhm, ISOR e.V. TIG Leipzig, Germany
Klaus Wegner, Berlin, Germany
Barbara Böhm, Leipzig, Germany
Wolfgang Weigelt, Fallschirmjäger-Traditionsverband Ost e.V., Berlin, Germany
Christine Weigelt, Politischer Beobachter, Berlin, Germany
Nyave Yahaya Salifu, Cameroon, Africa
Sean Donnell, Bloomfield, CT USA
Jose R Oro, No Embargo Cuba, Wallingford, New Haven USA
Reinhold Lang, Dipl. Ing. Rentner, Wandlitz, Germany
Heinz Krummey, Chemnitzer Friedensinitiative, Chemnitz, Germany
Cynthia Heil, Asheville, NC USA
Harry Schöppe, Berlin, Germany
Peter Kurze, Leipzig, Germany
John Walsh, Scientist, writer, Alameda, CA, USA
Manfred Jonischkies, Friedensbündnis, Schwerin, Germany
Nancy Jean Eberg, North Haven, USA
Emile M Schepers, retired educator, Woodbridge, USA
Kathy Boylan, Catholic Worker, Washington, USA
Len Yannielli, Naugatuck, USA
Ken Heard, Volunteer Collective Producer Polemics a. Volunteer Treasurer Phila. Chpt. National Writers Union, USA
Mark Colville, Catholic Worker, New Haven, USA
Elizabeth Aaronsohn, retired teacher, peace activist, New Britain, USA
Louis Wolf, Journalist — CovertAction Magazine, Washington, DC USA
Elizabeth Oram, Nurse, New York City, USA
Rosalie Paul, Teacher and Peace Activist, Brunswick, ME. USA
Corinna Mullin, Academic, New York, Turtle Island, USA
Diane Nahas, Retired teacher, college instructor, Port Washington, USA
Mary Beth Sullivan, Social Worker. Peace Activist, Brunswick, USA
Richard Hill, Radio broadcaster, Branford, CT, USA
Günter Reum, Leipzig, Germany
F. Klinkhammer, Bad Bevensen, Germany
Heinrich Waller, Bregenz, Germany
Howard Pflanzer, Playwright/Poet, New York, USA
Wren Wilson, Community Organizer, Student, Woodbridge, USA
Laura Kaplan, Professor, New York, NY USA
Lisa Savage, Retired teacher & peace activist, Solon, USA
Helge Böhme, Rentner Oberst a.D., Deutschland
Dr.jur. Dr. phil. Ernst Albrecht, Dormagen_, Germany
Richard Ochs, Peace activist, songwriter, Baltimore Maryland USA
Patricia McSweeney, Taunton, MA  USA
Bernd Carlowitz, Ingenieurökonom / Betriebswirt, Leipzig, Germany
Dr. Iris Berndt, Kunsthistorikerin, Potsdam, Germany
Dr. Marisa Walther, Ärztin, Berlin, Germany
Gunter Emmaus, ISOR e.V. TIG Neubrandenburg, Germany
Choi Sung-hee, peace activist, Jeju, Korea
Dr. Harald Wachowitz, Wandlitz, Germany
Adrienne Twupack, Görlitz, Germany
Uta Mader, Freidenkermitglied, Bernau b. Berlin, BRD
Jeannette Graulau, Professor CUNY, NY, USA
Ilse Graupner, Hamburg, Germany
Jana Gleichmann, Berlin, Germany
Siegfried und Gisela Lorenz, Isor e.V., TIG Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany
Hans-Jürgen Metzner, ISOR e.V., TIG Leipzig, Markkleeberg, Germany
Monika Kremmer, Lehrerin a. D., Berlin, Germany
Christine Lohbauer, Barcelona, Spain
Udo Michael, ISOR e.V., Geithain, Germany
Christine Melcher, Lehrerin, Winsen, Germany
Carsten Wölk, Berlin, Germany
Uwe Böhnhardt, Oranienburg, Germany
Elke Koza, Berlin, Germany
Bernd Koza, Berlin, Germany
Helga Böhnhardt, Oranienburg, Germany
Michael Ducak, Oranienburg, Germany
Karlheinz Fietz, Bündnis für soziale Gerechtigkeit Lichtenberg, Berlin, Germany
Sascha Gottwald, Berlin, Germany
Günter Willmer, Berlin, Germany
Klaus Schönfeld, Oranienburg, Germany
Karl Rehbaum, Bernau bei Berlin, Germany
Gisela Kluge, Chemnitz, Germany
Dieter Ammer, Chemnitz, Germany
Claudio C S Ribeiro, Maestro. Anthropologist, Member Brazilian Communist Party
Anton Latzo, Michendorf, OT Langerwisch, Germany
Gisbert Heilemann, Zühlsdorf, Germany
Jürgen Schimmelpfennig, SPD OV Scharmützelsee, Reichenwalde, Germany
Jürgen Weidner, Plauen, Germany
Hans Jürgen Vogelsang, DIR LINKE/KPF, ISOR, Chemnitz, Germany
Georg Ehmke, Oberstleutnant a.D. / Diplomatie, Rentner, Werder, Germany
Horst Finger, Berlin, Germany
Torsten Nitsche, u.a. Mediengestalter, Region Rostock, Germany
Carsten Zöllner, Angestellter, Berlin, Germany
Bonnie Weiss, Emeryville, CA, USA
Gerhard Lange, Göttingen, Germany
Hans E. Schmitt-Lermann, Rechtsanwalt, München, Germany
Michael Knischka, Sievershagen, Germany
Wilfried Roß, Berlin, Germany
Uta Roß, Berlin, Germany
Lutz Gläsel, ISOR Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany
Rolf Uhlig, Berlin, Germany
Hans-Jürgen Zachow, ISOR, Löwenberger Land, Germany
Jürgen Böhnhardt, Dachwig, Germany
Lukas Welke, Arnsdorf, Germany
Sue Wheaton, Retired Federal (US) Government Employee, Washington, DC USA
Joachim Guilliard, Heidelberg, Germany
Renate Rüdiger, Bernau bei Berlin, Germany
Günter Küsters, Mitgl. IMI, Attac BAG “Globalisierung und Krieg”, Rösrath, Germany
Michaela Sohn, Edemissen, Germany
Gabriele Riedl, Soziologin, Erkrath, Germany
Gabriele Jäger, Berlin-Schöneberg, Germany
Deena Stryker, writer, Phila. PA USA
Carol Kaplan, Professor Emeritus, Fordham University, New York, New Jersey, USA
Dr. Ernest S. Far, surgeon ret., Bonn, BRD
Evelyn Hecht-Galinski, Publizistin, Sicht vom Hochblauen, Malsburg-Marzell, Germany
Horst Hommel, Berlin, Germany
Ute Koité-Herschel, dieBasis, Aachen, Germany
Ralph Schöpke, Rentner, Hydrochemiker, Cottbus, Germany
Dr. Roger Kotila, President, Democratic World Federalists, San Francisco, USA
Reiner Liebau, Minden, Germany
Lothar Schlüter, ISOR e.V. / TIG-Vorsitzender Berlin-Weissensee, Germany
Walter Tauber, Grünendeich, Germany
Gisela Vormann, Friedensfrau, Bremen, Germany
Reinhard u. Gertraude Frohberg, ISOR e.V. TIG Geithain, Germany
Klaus Zeun, Cranzahl, Germany
Regina Silbermann, Sprecherin LAG Deutsch-Russische Freundschaft Sachsen, Chemnitz
Hans-Günter Schleife, Ostdeutsches Kuratorium von Verbänden e.V., Fredersdorf-Vogelsdorf
Constanze Dost, Leipzig, Germany
Klaus Linder, Landesvorsitzender Berliner Freidenker, Germany
Dieter Erler, Die Linke Rochlitz/Geringswalde, Germany
Sigrid Melanchthon, Berlin, Germany
Hermann Kopp, Vorstand Marx-Engels-Stiftung, Düsseldorf, Germany
Thomas Hohnerlein, Sprachwissenschaftler, Gersheim-Medelsheim, Germany
Bernd Reimer, Sozialarbeiter, Berlin, Germany
Klaus Büttner, Berlin, Germany
Christiane Bärenz, Berlin, Germany
Maik Zeun, Zerspanungsmechaniker, Walthersdorf, Germany
Christel Buchinger, Rentnerin, Lektorin u. Übersetzerin, Gersheim-Medelsheim
Karin Rother, Berlin, Germany
Irene Wagner, Berlin, Germany
Werner Becker, Potsdam, Germany
Elke Nußbaum, Erkrath, Germany
Michael Lang, Berlin, Germany
Harry T Cason, Adjunct Professor City University of New York, USA
Renate Börger, Journalistin, München, Germany
Magdalene Westendorff, Eberswalde, Germany
Gottfried Neis, Ehrenvorsitzender Fallschirmjäger-Traditionsverband Ost, Ahlbeck
Monika Brendel, Berlin, Germany
Katja Geggel, Wandlitz, Germany
Daniel Palloks, Berlin, Germany
Thomas Geggel, Wandlitz, Germany
Mauro Valderrama, Erzieher, Berlin, Germany
Frank Priebus, Altenpfleger, Weimar, Germany
Avidan Dov, Raanana, Israel
Leonore Schröder, ehemals Friedenskreis Castrop-Rauxel, Castrop-Rauxel, Germany
Volker Wirth, Berlin, Germany
Shraga Elam, Journalist & Peace Activist, Zürich, Schweiz

ACTION: To sign the petition, or fill out the formmailer here