The Amazon Forest Versus Big Oil

May 17th, 2024 - by Amazon Watch

Oil Debt: Financing Amazon Destruction
Amazon Watch

(May 15, 2024) — A brand new documentary has just been released highlighting the local and international efforts of the Achuar, Wampís, and Chapra nations from the Peruvian Amazon against state-run oil company Petroperú and its financiers.

The video includes first-hand testimonies of Indigenous leaders and activists, and it accompanies the 2024 Banking on Climate Chaos report, which is the most comprehensive analysis of the banks and financial institutions backing the fossil fuel industry.

Since the adoption of the Paris Agreement, fossil fuel financing has continued to spike, with $705 billion in 2023 alone. Even after clear messages from the International Energy Agency and Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change that we can’t afford new fossil fuels, banks continue to finance fossil fuel expansion.

Please watch the video and share it widely. And take action to demand an end to the financing of Amazon destruction!

The 2024 Banking on Climate Chaos (BOCC) report is the most comprehensive analysis of the financial institutions backing the fossil fuel industry and the policies of the world’s 60 largest banks enabling this financing. The BOCC report release highlights frontline stories showcasing the disastrous impacts of this fossil fuel financing.

As part of these stories, the new documentary called, Oil Debt: Financing Amazon Destruction, highlights the local and international efforts of the Achuar, Wampís, and Chapra nations from the Peruvian Amazon against state-run oil company Petroperú and its financiers. The documentary also highlights the alliance between Indigenous peoples and fishing communities, called the MarAmazonía alliance.