ACTION: Let’s Send Milk to the Children of Cuba!

May 24th, 2024 - by Code Pink, Women for Peace, and Chicago Alba Solidarity

ACTION ALERT: Code Pink Seeks to Raise
$55,000 to Send Milk for Cuba’s Children
Code Pink, Women for Peace, and Chicago Alba Solidarity

(May 21, 2024) — Code Pink and Carlos Lazo, the founder of Puentes de Amor are raising $55,000 to send milk to Cuba for their children. They are close to fulfilling their goal, now at $41,000. We are having a $6,000 matching find to help raise the rest so the milk can be sent.  You can either pay online at the Code Pink website: or make out a check to Code Pink and send it to:
Stansfield Smith, 2961 S. Bonaparte, Chicago, IL 60608

Previously, Code Pink and Puentes de Amor brought over 25,000 pounds of powdered milk that they delivered to pediatric hospitals throughout the country with the help of the Martin Luther King Center. This was only possible through your generous donation that will help Cuban families during a difficult time in the country. Children, pregnant women, the elderly and people with medical needs normally receive free powdered milk, but the pandemic and Trump-Biden sanctions disrupted food supplies, leading to a shortage.

Code Pink says, “We are relying on your generosity to make this ‘fábrica de sueños’ come true. Your gift will not only help the children of Cuba, it will also show your rejection of a US government policy aimed at strangling the Cuban economy and causing hardships for its people.

“We call on people of goodwill all over the world, including Cubans living abroad, to show their solidarity with the hospitalized children of Cuba. We can’t let sanctions and hatred prevail; we must build bridges of love.”

Here are some recent reports of Code Pink trips bringing milk, food, and medicines to Cuba:

And here are some resources for engaging in a just transition to a positive relationship with the people of Cuba: