World Anti-Chevron Month Calls for Big Oil Accountability

May 25th, 2024 - by Amazon Watch & Public Citizen

Big Oil Knew Its Carbon Emissions
Would Cause Climate Calamity
Amazon Watch

(May 21, 2024) — Eleven years ago, frustrated by the racist and dismissive responses from Chevron executives at its Annual General Meeting, affected communities decided to take a different approach. Instead of attending the meeting hoping to be heard by Chevron’s board and management, they declared their solidarity as “Anti-Chevron” in the week leading up to the meeting.

On the first Anti-Chevron Day in 2014, actions took place in 20 nations across five continents. It remains the only annual global day of action targeting a single oil company. Chevron deserves this distinction even more than other fossil fuel polluters. It is not only the worst greenhouse gas emitter among investor-owned oil companies, but it also relentlessly and unethically attacks its victims when they stand up to the company.

As the movement for a ceasefire in Palestine grows, Chevron is the target of a global boycott campaign for its significant role in fueling the ongoing occupation through its ownership and partial operation of gas fields off the coast of Gaza.

On any list of worst corporate actors concerning human rights, the environment, accountability, transparency, and governance, Chevron consistently ranks at or near the top.

With too many human rights violations to recognize in just one day, Chevron faces ever-growing opposition on the eve of its annual meeting

May 23, 2024 | Paul Paz y Miño / Eye on the Amazon

ACTION: Senate Resolution Calls on the
Department of Justice to Prosecute Big Oil
Public Citizen

(May 22, 2024) — As far back as 1959, oil companies knew they were causing significant and potentially irreparable harm to the climate.

  • Yet they kept on drilling.
  • And they actively funded decades of misinformation, propaganda, junk science, and “climate denialism” — that they KNEW was all a sham — to actively delay a transition away from fossil fuels.
  • They are STILL doing it. Right now. At this very moment.
  • All so that a handful of oil barons could get richer and richer — even if it meant threatening humankind’s survival and the very habitability of our planet.

Yesterday — taking a necessary and historic step — Rep. Jamie Raskin (Maryland) and Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (Rhode Island) formally recommended that the United States Department of Justice open an investigation into Big Oil’s deceptive actions.
Here’s what David Arkush, director of Public Citizen’s Climate Program, told the national media:
“It is essential that the Department of Justice investigate the fossil fuel industry’s misconduct. Strong evidence already in the public domain suggests that Big Oil has likely violated a number of federal laws. And … there is ample reason to think the industry is hiding even worse wrongdoing.”
Big Oil must be held accountable for decades of misconduct that have brought the world to the brink of climate catastrophe.

Tell the U.S. Department of Justice:
Big Oil’s insatiable greed has brought the world to the brink of climate catastrophe. The oil companies have known for 65 years that their business causes climate change — a fact they not only kept from the public, but actively obscured through decades of misinformation and junk science. Big Oil must be investigated and prosecuted to the full extent of the law for any and all crimes it has committed in its myopic and catastrophic thirst for profits.
Click to add your name now.

Thanks for taking action.
For progress,
Robert Weissman, President of Public Citizen