ACTION ALERT: Tell Biden to Stop Abetting Netanyahu’s War Crimes

May 29th, 2024 - by Win Without War & MPower Action & Our Revolution

ACTION ALERT: Tell President Biden to 
Enforce US Law and Save Lives in Gaza
Win Without War

(May 28, 2024) — On Sunday, just days after the International Court of Justice ordered the Israeli government to halt its assault in Rafahanother Israeli military ‘mistake’ killed at least 45 people, including refugees sheltering in tents.

This kind of breathtaking violence is becoming terrifyingly commonplace, but millions of lives can still be saved — and it’ll take decisive action from the Biden administration to make it happen.

As a key ally and source of its weapons, the US government is uniquely positioned to sway the Israeli government from deepening this crisis further. President Biden’s reluctance to use every ounce of his influence has deadly consequences, but the continued pressure from tens of thousands of people can push him to go further.

US credibility — and millions of lives — are on the line. President Biden has to respond with the kind of leadership capable of stopping a war.

President Biden must join other world leaders in condemning the latest horrific strikes in Rafah and make it unequivocally clear that not one more US bomb or bullet will be sent to the Israeli military in support of this horrific war. Add your name now if you agree.

Within the past few weeks alone, the Israeli military’s operation in Rafah has displaced around one million people, blocked critically needed humanitarian aid, and killed a disproportionate number of women and children in horrifyingly cruel ways.

The suffering and death toll from Sunday’s and other attacks will only increase as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu continues to disregard pleas and demands from across the globe calling for peace and restraint. Instead, he consistently chooses to flout international norms and laws in Gaza despite horrific and predictable consequences — and he’s doing it with the explicit support of the US government.

It has to stop. The violence we’re seeing will not bring the remaining hostages home or deliver peace to anyone, anywhere.

It is well past the time to end the semantic debates about the nature of the Israeli military operation in Gaza. It is well past time for the Biden administration to issue threats to condition US weapons shipments.

We need more than words: President Biden must condemn Sunday’s attack and suspend military aid to the Israeli government now.

To President Biden:
We cannot wait for another horrific attack on refugees
at the hands of the IDF. It is time to condemn
the violence and suspend US military aid
to the Israeli government.

Will you add your name to call on him to do it? Sign now to join tens of thousands of people speaking out against this horrific violence and continuing to call for peace today.

Thank you for working for peace,
The Win Without War team

The Rafah Tent Massacre
Linda Sarsour / MPower Action

As salaamu alaykum.

I will never un-see the video of a man holding the dead, headless body of a small child after Israel’s bombs struck the Tal al-Sultan neighborhood of Rafah.

On May 26, Israel killed at least 45 Palestinians — reportedly mostly women and children — and injured over 250 people in this “humanitarian safe zone” a mile from UN offices.

The world is outraged. But where’s Biden? Where is his red line?

ACTION: Tell Congress to Stop Arming Israel’s Genocide.
Just 48 hours before this atrocity, the highest United Nations Court — the International Court of Justice (ICJ) — ordered Israel to stop the bombing of Rafah immediately. (1)

Instead of abiding by international law and the ICJ’s order, Israel bombed a “humanitarian safe zone.” If you have not seen or read about the Tent Massacre in the Tal al-Sultan neighborhood, please read about it from a reputable news source. Then read about it again.

Because your children will one day ask you what you did after the Tent Massacre of Rafah. Our children, because all children are our children, are being massacred by Israel. It has to end.

Tell Congress: Permanent Ceasefire Now.

I am tired. I am devastated. And I am outraged. But we need to stay focused. We need to take action. We need our voices to be heard.

Tell Biden, Congress, your neighbor… everyone needs to hear from us until this genocide is over.

I don’t have a lot of words right now. I am full of grief and pain. I did not believe that I would live through something as horrific as this in my lifetime. But I do know that what we do in response to this horror is what separates us from the silent facilitators of genocide and those who end it.

Take action with us: Permanent Ceasefire NOW!
There will be a reckoning someday. And we will remember the things we did witnessing genocide. 

Thank you for everything you do.
In solidarity,
Linda and the team at MPower Action

Isolated Israel argues U.N. court ruling leaves door open to Rafah offensive,” NBC News, May 27, 2024.

Speak Out: Israeli Airstrikes
Kill 45 Palestinians in Rafah
Bernie Sanders / Our Revolution

(May 28, 2024) — just two days ago, the Israeli military launched airstrikes on a tent camp of displaced Palestinians in Rafah — killing 45 innocent people, including many women and children. It’s one of the single deadliest attacks on the Palestinian people during Israel’s 8-month onslaught.

What more needs to happen for Congress and Biden to stop sending bombs and taxpayer dollars to support these atrocities? Bernie is calling out the hypocrisy of Congress and President Biden at a critical time for the people of Gaza.

If Congress and Biden continue turning their backs, more Palestinians and aid workers will be killed by the Israeli military’s American-made bombs.

The International Court of Justice told Israel that it must halt its invasion of Rafah. President Biden has warned Israel too. But he keeps sending money and weapons to the Netanyahu regime.

Netanyahu has created a humanitarian catastrophe in Gaza — one that has gotten much worse with its violence in Rafah. The Israeli military has killed over 34,000 Palestinians and 200 aid workers, and blocked humanitarian aid so that over a million Gazans face starvation.

If America claims to be the leader of the free world, there’s clear action our leaders must take.

ACTION: Add your name: Not another nickel, and not another bomb, for Netanyahu’s war on the Palestinian people. The U.S. must broker a Ceasefire and end its complicity with the atrocities against the Palestinian people Permanent Ceasefire now!