ACTION: Tell US to Let Ukraine Negotiate End to War

May 29th, 2024 - by RootsAction Team

Ukraine and Russia meet for peace talks — February 28, 2022.

ACTION ALERT:  Tell the US Government
To Allow Negotiations in Ukraine
RootsAction Team

(May 28, 2024) — In March 2022, after negotiations mediated by Turkey, it appeared that Russia was ready to withdraw from Ukraine if Ukraine would commit to not joining NATO. Ukraine was prepared to agree and end the war in one month that has now dragged on for years.

But well-sourced news reports show that the US and UK told Ukraine to refuse the deal and keep the war going.

In late 2023, Russia proposed new negotiations — to include the United States this time, since it was calling the shots. The US government refused.

Now Russia has indicated it wants a ceasefire on the current frontlines. The US could allow Ukraine to sit down and negotiate — and to make a counter-offer to Russia.

The US could indicate to Ukraine that there is a limit to the supply of free weapons costing US taxpayers billions. Ukraine is already realizing that there is a limit to the men it can conscript to do the fighting.

As desperation increases on both sides and the risk of nuclear war reaches new heights, a step back from the madness of militarism is long overdue.

Instead, the Secretary General of NATO is publicly telling the US government to allow Ukraine to use US weapons to attack inside Russia, something that Russia claims is already happening.

We must urgently pressure the US government away from courting apocalypse and delaying necessary negotiations while the death toll mounts. As experts have declared since the beginning, this war is “unwinnable” by either side. There is no military solution.

ACTION: Click here to send a quick email to your Senators, Representative, President, and Secretary of State.

After a nuclear war there will be no opportunity to say:
•   See, I was right, or
•   I wish I’d shared this with you earlier, or
•   This is really, really important.
Say it now!

•   Reuters: “Putin wants Ukraine ceasefire on current frontlines”
•   The Economist: “NATO’s boss wants to free Ukraine to strike inside Russia”
•   Reuters: “Putin’s suggestion of Ukraine ceasefire rejected by United States, sources say”
•   Responsible Statecraft: “Diplomacy Watch: Did Boris Johnson help stop a peace deal in Ukraine?”
•   Common Dreams: “That Other War: Open Letter about Ukraine to Progressives in Congress”
• “Former Israeli PM Bennett Says US ‘Blocked’ His Attempts at a Russia-Ukraine Peace Deal”

•   Read more atProgressive Hub.