ACTION ALERT: End the Polluter Welfare Act

June 7th, 2024 - by Bernie Sanders / Our Revolution

ACTION ALERT: Stand Up to Big Oil
Pass the “End the Polluter Welfare Act”
Bernie Sanders / Our Revolution

(June 4, 2024) — “We have a fiscal and moral responsibility to put a stop to this absurd corporate welfare”. Bernie Sanders, Ilhan Omar, Our Revolution, and the movement for climate justice have a new plan to destroy Big Oil. It’s called the End Polluter Welfare Act.

The legislation would end the billions in corporate handouts that go to the fossil fuel industry every year and get rid of tax loopholes for Big Oil. It would crush the business model for big polluters like Exxon, Chevron, and BP.

Stand with Bernie, Ilhan, and the climate movement:
Support the “End Polluter Welfare Act” today

Joining Bernie at the Sanders Institute Gathering in Vermont this weekend, Our Revolution Director Joseph Geevarghese led a panel strategizing on how we can end these subsidies and the corrupting influence they have on our politics.

Because this is a critical moment for climate justice. Donald Trump is pitching a deal to Big Oil executives; if they give his campaign a billion dollars, he’ll make sure the US government keeps the fossil fuel industry in operation.

When he introduced the bill with IlhanBernie said, “We have a fiscal and moral responsibility to put a stop to this absurd corporate welfare. No, working families should not be forced to pad the profits of an industry that is destroying our planet.”

US taxpayers give the fossil fuel industry $17 billion in subsidies every year. That number should be ZERO. How can the federal government continue giving billions to the worst polluters in the entire world during a climate emergency?

And not only are Big Oil corporations the worst polluters, their lobbyists, PACs, and PR people have spent hundreds of millions lying about climate change (for 50 years) and fighting clean energy and subsidy reforms. This has got to end.

Add your name: There is no climate justice with Exxon, Chevron, and BP getting taxpayer dollars to continue polluting. Stand with Bernie and Ilhan now to destroy Big Oil’s business model!