ACTION: The House Votes on Pentagon Spending Today

June 14th, 2024 - by Lilly Dragnev / Peace Action

The House Votes on Pentagon Spending Today
Lilly Dragnev / Peace Action

(June 14, 2024) — Once again, the House of Representatives is coming together for the annual Pentagon budget authorization process. The annual military spending and defense policy bill, the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), has again gotten rushed along in an unserious and highly partisan fashion, and a final vote is looking likely for later today.

This year, the House is voting on a whopping $895 billion budget — or 52.3% of overall discretionary spending. And once more, the House MAGA Republicans have shut down our allies’ amendments to cut that massively bloated topline.

We cannot allow these types of massive budget increases to continue unchecked. We must call on our Representatives to stand up and vote “no” against sending more and more money to a department that has been unable to account for fully half of its $3.8 trillion in assets. It’s no wonder the Pentagon has failed every single one of its six audits. Yet, instead of accountability, Congress is seeking out loopholes to avoid budget caps.

These budget bills don’t just set policies; they are moral documents. They reflect the priorities of our government. Once more, the Pentagon is on track to get far more than we spend on housing, transportation, education, health and human services, the State and Justice Departments, and combatting catastrophic climate change combined. It’s time that we speak up and demand a reset in our priorities.

Today, the House is likely to vote. We need your help in calling for people over the Pentagon. Together, we can build the momentum necessary to increase the number of votes against this sky-high budget. Every vote moves us closer to a world where we prioritize communities over defense contractors, the working class over corporate interests, and peace over endless militarism. Contact your members of Congress today and urge them to stop wasting our tax dollars on defense industry corporate greed by voting no on this year’s NDAA.

Here’s all we need to do today:
1. Call the Congressional switchboard at 1-202-224-3121
2. Ask to be connected to your House representative
3. Once connected, say (In your words as much as possible):

“Hi, my name is [your name] and I’m a voting constituent from [your city]. I am very concerned about Congress prioritizing defense contractors over our communities. I ask that the Congressperson speak out against this year’s bloated $895 billion Pentagon budget and vote NO on the National Defense Authorization Act.”

Not only does this year’s budget request bring yet another increase, but the MAGA House has also incorporated its odious and bigoted agenda items into the bill. Already, a bill to prevent any US funding from helping to rebuild the Gaza Strip has passed by voice vote.

Another affirmative voice vote is set to cut off funding for the Gaza pier built to intake humanitarian aid, and one to prevent funds from transporting Palestinian refugees to the US. And, unsurprisingly, Speaker Johnson is acquiescing to the most extreme in his caucus by trying to incorporate their “anti-woke” policies into the bill.

Yesterday, MAGA amendments aimed to cut funding for women’s reproductive rights, DEI initiatives, drag performances, and gender-affirming care were passed. We cannot let this NDAA become law. Please, take a moment to call your Representative now.

Thanks for speaking out and acting against rampant Pentagon spending!