NATO and Russia Prepare for Nuclear War

June 19th, 2024 - by RootsAction

US military exercises imagine nuclear attack on Russia.


(June 18, 2024) — NATO’s Secretary General says NATO is taking nuclear weapons (owned by the US but stored in various European nations) out of storage and putting them on “stand-by.”

That should not be much of a worry to the everything-is-entirely-Russia’s fault crowd, but for the everything-is-always-NATO’s-fault crowd it’s concerning. Of course, here in the real world, arms races — even those ending in apocalypse — have two sides, each deserving of extreme blame.

And if you respond “Yes, but Russia is a dictatorship,” please consider for a moment: Who elected the leader of NATO or authorized him to demand taking the war inside Russia, or to put nuclear weapons on “stand-by,” or to pressure nations to spend less on their people and more on weapons?

Is there anything we can do?

— The team


The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is a destabilizing, law-breaking force for militarization and war provocation. Its existence makes wars, including nuclear wars, more likely.

Its hostility toward the few significant militaries in the world that are not among its members fuels arms races and conflicts. The commitment of NATO members to join each others’ wars and NATO’s pursuit of enemies far from the North Atlantic risk global destruction.

We hold up a vision of a world beyond NATO, where we invest to eliminate poverty, hunger, illness and homelessness; where we live in harmony with our environment; and where we resolve conflict diplomatically through the only global organization that represents the whole world – the United Nations.