Investigate the Pentagon’s Secret Anti-Vax Operation

June 30th, 2024 - by CODEPINK

ACTION ALERT: Tell Congress to Investigate
The Pentagon’s Secret Anti-Vax Operation!

(June 29, 2024) — It was just uncovered that the Pentagon ran a secret anti-vax operation in the Philippines during the heat of the pandemic when thousands of people were dying each day. Why did they put thousands of Filipino lives on the line? Simply because the vaccine came from China and they wanted to undermine China’s credibility in the region.

This is psychological warfare with real, fatal consequences. Lies lead to death! Sign our petition telling Congress to investigate the Pentagon’s inhumane anti-vax operation! 

The Pentagon used hundreds of social media accounts to criticize health supplies provided by China, including face masks, testing kits, and the Sinovac vaccine, the only vaccine available to the Filipino public. After initially targeting the Philippines, the operation expanded into Southeast Asia, Central Asia, and across the Middle East. It specifically targeted Muslims, spinning lies about the Sinovac vaccine containing pork gelatin and therefore being forbidden under Islamic Law.

ACTION: Demand Congress Investigate the
Pentagon’s Secret Anti-Vax Operation!

The operation was more than a disinformation campaign. It waspsychological warfare that undoubtedly caused countless deaths. The main target of the operation was the Filipino public — innocent civilians with limited access to medical care during an ongoing global catastrophe. The Philippines Department of Health stated that the operation “deserves to be investigated and heard by the appropriate authorities of the involved countries.” By November 2021, nearly 50,000 Filipinos had died of COVID-19. 

A senior US military officer involved in the operations said, “We weren’t looking at this from a public health perspective. We were looking at how we could drag China through the mud.” The Pentagon doesn’t care about the lives of innocent people in the Philippines or anywhere. It only seeks to assert its own agenda, which includes pushing anti-China propaganda in an absurd bid to counter China’s influence in the region.

The truth is that the US neglected the rest of the world by refusing to share US-made vaccines, while China worked hard to provide supplies to badly-affected nations. Another US military officer involved in the project acknowledged this, saying, “We didn’t do a good job sharing vaccines with partners. So what was left to us was to throw shade on China’s.”

The Pentagon needs to be held accountable for the public health crimes it has committed and all the lives it takes without regard, remorse, or accountability. 

Learn more about the Pentagon’s secret anti-vax operation here.

Peace and solidarity,
Megan, Jodie, and the CODEPINK Team

PS: Join our webinar on July 18th to learn about how US militarization in the Philippines has led to human rights abuses and environmental destruction. 

PPS: Contact to schedule a meeting and learn more about China Is Not Our Enemy biweekly meetings, including our upcoming one on Monday, July 8th at 7pm ET.