Mother Nature Sinks Pentagon’s Public Relations Pier

July 21st, 2024 - by Colonel (Ret) Ann Wright, World BEYOND War

US Army landing craft washed ashore after Gaza pier broke up on May 26. US humanitarian aid will be transferred to an Israeli port to never be delivered in Gaza.

Mother Nature Says Adios to the
Rube Goldberg US Military Pier in Gaza
Colonel (Ret) Ann Wright, World BEYOND War

(July 19, 2024) — Well, I told you so.  Mother Nature with her not-so-big wind and waves tore apart the multimillion-dollar temporary pier that took the US military two months to be transported from a US Army base on the US east coast and another two months to construct like legos.

Mother Nature had to intervene not once, not twice, but three times before the US government finally got the message.

The pier idea was reportedly sprung on the US military in President Biden’s January State of the Union address. The risk assessment for success was probably never started, much less completed, or if it was completed, it was probably hidden in a desk drawer as the predictions would not have matched the political demand of “Do somethingto help get us out of this mess.”

Military Finally Says “Uncle;” Mother Nature Wins

Trying to put lipstick on a pig (sorry pig-lovers), the deputy commander of US Central Command Vice Admiral Brad Cooper told a press conference on July 17,  the pier had accomplished its mission in a “historically unprecedented operation” that transported “the highest volume of humanitarian assistance that the US military has ever delivered into the Middle East.”

Called Joint Logistics Over-the-Shore, or JLOTS, pier pundits had other names for the Rube Goldberg idea: Just Ludicrous Way to End Starvation or JLWES; Just Tell Israel to Open the Gates or JTIOG and many others that you can imagine!

Admiral Cooper confirmed that use of the US pier is finished but remarkably called the mission successful: “Now that that maritime surge mission was successful, it’s now transitioning from a temporary pier in Gaza to a port in Ashdod, Israel.”

Cooper said US ships and US military that supported the pier will stay in the area. “We expect to use the same vessels that have been transporting aid from Cyprus to the pier to transport aid from Cyprus to Ashdod.”

Malnutrition and Starvation Rampant in Gaza 

While malnutrition and starvation is rampant in Gaza, the Biden administration still has not used its financial and military equipment leverage on Israel to force the Israeli government to let food and medicines through the Rafah gates and other points.

There are at least 5 million pounds of humanitarian aid in the port of Cyprus waiting delivery to Gaza, as well as hundreds of large, loaded cargo trucks awaiting entry into Gaza at the Rafah, Egypt crossing point stalled by Israeli control of the checkpoint.

On July 17, World Health Organization (WHO) Regional Director Dr Hanan Balkhy revealed at media briefing that in the past four weeks only 16 WHO trucks have been allowed to enter the Gaza Strip via the Kerem Shalom crossing. 44 WHO trucks full of health supplies sit at a standstill in Al Arish, Egypt, and another 40 trucks in Ismailia, Egypt are waiting to enter Gaza as soon as the Rafah border crossing finally reopens. Large numbers of trucks from many other organizations remain stalled in Egypt.

Pier Problems from the Beginning

The pier scheme had big problems from the outset.  Army ships that departed Virginia in May, were delayed for maintenance in the Canary Islands on the way to the eastern Mediterranean.  One of the Navy ships carrying equipment  for the pier had an engine room fire and had to return to its homeport in Florida.

From the beginning, Mother Nature did not cooperate with the idea of a floating pier sending not-so-big waves that delayed the setup of the pier. After the pier was finally jammed in place into the shoreline of Gaza in May, by late May Mother Nature had had enough and a storm dislodged the pier, separating parts of it and beaching several Army boats on the Gaza and Israeli shores.

According to Admiral Cooper, since being set up in May, the pier was operational for only 20 days and facilitated the delivery of 19.4 million pounds of aid onto the shores of Gaza where it set for weeks as it was unable to be delivered to warehouses due to deadly Israeli attackson Palestinian “safe zones” in the area.

 Photo by Ann Wright in Washington, DC

Netanyahu Not Welcome in DC or in the US

When Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu arrives in Washington, DC to meet with COVID-infected President Biden on July 20 and, unbelievably invited to address a Joint Session of the US Congress on July 24, the citizens of the US will definitely give him a decidedly unwelcome to the nation’s capital with an estimated 186,000 Palestinians dead from the Israeli genocide of Gaza.  Busloads of citizens from all over the country are converging on Washington to protest the July 24 speech.

Over 100 members of the US Congress are planning either to not show up for Netanyahu’s speech or walk out during the speech.

230 House and Senate staffers from 122 Democratic and Republican congressional offices signed a letter this week calling for Congress to protest or boycott Netanyahu’s speech stating it was an “issued of morality, not politics.”

Speaker of the House of Representatives Mike Johnson is threatening members of Congress with arrest if there are disruptions during Netanyahu’s speech.

Will Any Military in the Pier Project Resign?

I would hope that the US military and civilians on the ships offshore Gaza have reflected on the incongruity that while they are in sight of Palestinians on the shores of Gaza,  and while they were eating three big meals a day, drinking all the water they wanted, taking showers anytime they wanted, hundreds of  Palestinians were being killed each week and hundreds of thousands who had escaped death so far, were suffering from malnutrition and starvation.

I can’t help but think there were US military and civilians on those ships that wanted to do more than attach a pier to the shores of Gaza. I would have hoped that some of them would have wanted to help in some way to stop the Israeli genocide.

One wonders how many US military will develop psychological problems watching the endless Israeli aerial attacks up and down the coast of Gaza killing hundreds of Palestinians and blowing up the remaining medical facilities, schools and homes and being unable to do anything to stop them.

Coming face to face to US complicity in the genocide of Gaza, one wonders if any of these military personnel will file for conscientious objector status or resign.

As Netanyahu heads to Washington,
as the Aaron Bushnell Memorial is Removed from in Front of the Israeli Embassy

Image of Aaron Bushnell adapted by Ayo Walker, via Truth Out.

One US military person who took a dramatic step to signal his non-complicity with the genocide of Gaza was US Air Force Airman Aaron Bushnell who on February 25, 2024, took his own life by setting himself on fire in front of the Israeli embassy in Washington, DC.  His last words were, “I will not be complicit in the genocide of Gaza!  Free Palestine.” Within days, a memorial to Aaron was set up on the sidewalk immediately in front of the Israeli embassy and a 24-hour vigil organized for every day since then.

Aaron’s full statement is:
“Hi my name is Aaron Bushnell, I am an active duty member of the United States Air Force and I will no longer be complicit in genocide. I am about to engage in an extreme act of protest, but compared to what people have been experiencing in Palestine at the hands of their colonizers it’s not extreme at all. This is what our ruling class has decided will be normal.”

Much to the outrage of the Washington community, on July 17, in anticipation of Netanyahu’s visit to the Israeli embassy in Washington, DC, US Secret Service officials with Israeli Embassy personnel removed the memorial to Aaron Bushnell.

Photo from Larry Hebert

Other US Military Have Resigned Over the Israeli Genocide of Gaza

US Army Major Harrison Mann who is Jewish and served 13 years in the Army and US Air Force First Sergeant Mohammed Abu Hashem who is Palestinian American and served 22 years in the Air force have both resigned from the US military in opposition to US complicity in the Israeli genocide of Gaza.


US Air Force Airman Larry Hebert went on a 10-day hunger strike in Washington, DC due to his concern for the children of Gaza and terminated it only when his annual leave from his base in Spain was cancelled by his command and he was ordered to return to Spain.  He has filed for conscientious objector status.

Civilians Resign from Government Posts to Oppose US complicity in the Gaza Genocide

The following civilian US government employees have resigned.  Here is a link to videos of most of those who have resigned in which they explain their resignations.

Josh Paul, director of congressional and public affairs at the State Department’s Bureau of Political-Military Affairs resigned on October 18, 2023;

Tariq Habash,  a Department of Education political appointee, resigned on January  4, 2024;

Annelle Sheline, a foreign affairs officer in the Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, resigned on March 27, 2024;

Hala Rharrit, the State Department’s spokeswoman for the Middle East and North Africa, resigned on April 25, 2024;

Anna Del Castillo, deputy director at the White House’s Office of Management and Budget,  resigned in April 2024

Stacy Gilbert;  a senior official from the State Department’s Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration, resigned on May 10, 2024;

Lily Greenberg Call, a special assistant to the chief of staff at the US Department of the Interior, resigned onMay 16, 2024;

Alex Smith, a contractor with the US Agency for International Development (USAID), resigned in late May, 2024;

Andrew Miller,  the deputy assistant secretary of state for Israeli-Palestinian affairs resigned on June 22, 2024;

Maryam Hassanein, a special assistant at the Interior Department resigned on July 2, 2024.

About the Author: Ann Wright served 29 years in the US Army/Army Reserves and retired as a Colonel.  She was a US diplomat for 16 years and resigned from the US government in March 2003 in opposition to the US war on Iraq.  She is the co-author of “Dissent: Voices of Conscience.”