Theodore Postol on the Beginning of World War 3

July 26th, 2024 - by Daniel Davis / Deep Dive

US, Russia and China are all building hypersonic missiles.

“This is the beginning of the
construction of an unrecoverable crisis
that will lead to World War 3.”

Daniel Davis / Deep Dive

(July 17, 2024) — Dr. Postol explains that the nuclear-capable intermediate-range ballistic missiles that the US is planning on putting in Germany will give the Russian military only 6 to 8 minutes warning time (after being detected by ground-based Russian Early Warning System radar) before the warheads carried by these missiles strike

The Typhan hypersonic missile (now under development), which NATO plans to deploy to Germany, can carry a 100-kiloton nuclear warhead.

The warhead will be contained in a hypersonic glide vehicle, as shown below:

Hypersonic missiles do not travel in a ballistic path, but instead fly at relatively low altitudes.

This makes hypersonic missiles much harder for ground-based Russian Early Warning Radar systems to detect.

(Ground-based systems operate on a line-of-sight basis, so incoming missiles must break the horizon before radar detects them).

Because of this, Russia will have only 3 to 4 minutes warning time before a 100-kiloton nuclear warhead, launched from Germany on the Typhan, hits Moscow.

The US deployment of these missiles to Germany moves the world back to the same nuclear precipice that it faced in 1983, when the US deployed nuclear-armed Pershing-2 missiles to Germany to counter the nuclear-armed Soviet SS-20 missiles.

Massive public protests against the 1983 deployment led to the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty, which abolished this entire class of missiles. Unfortunately, the US withdrew from the INF Treaty.  The US decision to redeploy of intermediate range nuclear-armed missiles to Germany, combined with the Russian statements that it may respond with a similar deployment, sets in motion a process that can lead to nuclear war.

Nuclear-armed missiles in Germany put a hair-trigger on nuclear war because Russia will have virtually no time to evaluate a warning of attack before nuclear warheads hit Russian targets.

The US now has hundreds of nuclear-armed missiles that it can now launch against targets in Russia; there is no military need for the deployment of these weapons.

The deployment of US nuclear-capable missiles to Germany MUST BE STOPPED.

We cannot allow the delusional leaders in Washington and Germany to create a nuclear holocaust.