ACTION ALERT: Stop the Fossil Fuel Industry’s Dirty Deal

July 31st, 2024 - by Sierra Club & Public Citizen

Stop Sen. Joe Manchin’s fossile-fuel wish list.

Stop the Fossil Fuel Industry’s Dirty Deal
Sierra Club

WASHINGTON, DC (July 31, 2024) — Today, the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee will vote on a dirty energy bill championed by Senators John Barrasso and Joe Manchin — who has taken more money from the oil and gas industry than any other lawmaker in DC. The proposed dirty deal would fast-track gas exports and be a massive giveaway to the oil and gas industry.

This legislation, the Energy Permitting Reform Act of 2024, would mirror many of the alarming goals outlined in the Project 2025 plan, and gut bedrock environmental protections. 

This legislation will endanger our climate and public health, and undermine our clean energy future by:

  • Opening up federal lands and waters to further oil and gas leasing.
  • Fast-tracking or even eliminating review of proposed gas export, known as LNG, projects that harm communities and perpetuate the climate crisis.
  • Locking in new greenhouse gas emissions estimated to be equivalent to the annual emissions from 165 coal-fired power plants.

The United States is already the world’s largest exporter of fracked gas. Due to the unchecked burning of fossil fuels, communities nationwide are experiencing catastrophic climate and health impacts. More handouts to this polluting industry are not the answer for our families or future.

Urge your Members of Congress to protect our future by opposing this fossil fuel giveaway.

Senator and coal-energy invetor Joe Manchin.

ACTION ALERT: Tell the Senate to Oppose
Sen. Joe Manchin’s Dirty Fossil Fuel Bill
Public Citizen

(July 30, 2024) — Senator Joe Manchin is trying to rush a bill through the Senate this week that would be a major boost for fossil fuel companies and liquified natural gas (LNG) exports.

The Energy Permitting Reform Act of 2024, Sen. Manchin’s Dirty Deal, would:

  1. Force the Department of Energy to stop considering the often-lethal health impacts on frontline communities living near polluting fossil fuel infrastructure.
  2. Compel the Department of Energy to rely on discredited Trump-era economic and climate studies that ignore the Environmental Justice impacts LNG exports have on frontline communities.
  3. Require LNG export reviews to be automatically approved after 90 days, an unreasonably strict deadline that would lead to weaker reviews of impacts on domestic consumers, frontline communities, and our climate.

Sen. Manchin’s bill is nothing less than a dream come true for fossil fuel companies and a way to enact pieces of Project 2025 — a corporate-friendly agenda developed by the Heritage Foundation, a conservative think tank.

So we need to convince your senator on the Energy and Natural Resources Committee, the first stop for this bill, to put people and our planet over the fossil fuel industry.

ACTION: Send an email to your senator and urge them to vote no on Sen. Joe Manchin’s dirty fossil fuel bill >>

(Don’t worry if you don’t know which of your senators is on the Energy and Natural Resources Committee. Our action page will direct you to the correct one.)

This bill was released with zero public input and fast-tracked behind closed doors by Sen. Manchin to make it more likely to pass this year — and to stop senators from having enough time to thoroughly consider the damage it would do.

Together, we must show the Senate that Sen. Manchin’s Dirty Deal is dangerous and it must not become law. We need a clean energy future for our planet instead.

Tell your senator right away: You must step up and defend our communities by rejecting Sen. Manchin’s dirty fossil fuel permitting bill.

Thanks for speaking out,