Project 2025 Would End Federal Programs Addressing Climate Change

August 10th, 2024 - by MoveOn

With Extreme Weather Endangering Our Homes,
Project 2025 Would Cut Lifesaving Weather Alerts

(August 9, 2024) — Americans on the East Coast are bracing for more heavy rain and potential flash flooding as Tropical Storm Debby makes its way north after flooding states in the Southeast and killing six people.Debby is now the fourth storm of the forecasted historic hurricane season following Hurricane Beryl — the earliest Category 5 hurricane on record — with more record-breaking storms expected this year. Scientists say that life-threatening winds and rainfall during hurricane season will become more frequent due to the fossil fuel industry’s pollution warming the Earth at alarming rates.2

Thousands of people’s homes have been damaged or destroyed by the catastrophic flooding from Tropical Storm Debby. Under Project 2025, protections like the National Flood Insurance Program, which provides more-affordable insurance coverage for almost 5 million property owners, would be eliminated, leaving millions of families without flood coverage and the chance to recover.3 Meanwhile, the fossil fuel industry, whose destructive emissions cause oceans to warm at rapid rates, resulting in hurricanes producing increased rainfall that causes these floods,4 would continue to evade accountability.

If Republicans succeed with implementing Project 2025, our ability to prepare for extreme weather events and combat the root causes of the climate crisis will be jeopardized.

The climate crisis could displace 1.2 billion by 2050.

Project 2025: A Climate Disaster in the Making
Under Project 2025, the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration and the National Weather Service — agencies that provide crucial data on climate change and weather forecasts — would be dismantled.5

As environmental hazards, including flooding and hurricanes, become more frequent and intense, Americans must continue to have access to the National Weather Service’s alerts and predictions for their safety. We must protect our access to these lifesaving weather alerts and climate data, and make sure everyone knows about these dangerous, anti-science policies in Project 2025

Corporate polluters must be held responsible for their role in the climate crisis and the resulting destruction of our homes and communities. An analysis of the 2020 hurricane season, the most active on record, revealed that hourly rainfall rates were made up to 10% more extreme by global warming.6

Instead of holding these fossil fuel polluters accountable for their role in the climate crisis, Republicans are planning to continue putting the fossil fuel industry’s profits over our communities’ safety through Project 2025. 

This November, we have the chance to reject these corporate-friendly, anti-science policies, but we need to make sure everyone knows just how dangerous Project 2025’s agenda is.

ACTION: Expose Project 2025’s disastrous
agenda by sharing
this Instagram post!

Thanks for all you do.
– Mia, Seth, Kelsey, Joel, and the rest of the team


1. “Tropical Storm Debby makes landfall in South Carolina; East Coast braces for heavy rain,”USA Today, August 8, 2024
2. “Fossil Fuels Did This: Tropical Cyclones,”, January 27, 2023
3. “Project 2025 Aims to End the National Flood Insurance Program,” InsuranceNewsNet, July 30, 2024
4. “Fossil Fuels Did This: Tropical Cyclones,”, January 27, 2023
5.“Project 2025 plan calls for demolition of NOAA and National Weather Service,” Los Angeles Times, July 28, 2024 a
6. “Attribution of 2020 hurricane season extreme rainfall to human-induced climate change,” Nature Communications, April 12, 2022