Biden’s Bombs Kill Nearly 100 Civilians at Gaza School

August 15th, 2024 - by Senator Bernie Sanders / Our Revolution

ACTION ALERT: Israeli Airstrike Kills
100 at Gaza School Refuge
Senator Bernie Sanders / Our Revolution

(August 14, 2024) — Just days ago, the Israeli military bombed a school in Gaza City, killing nearly 100 people. Israel used at least one US-manufactured weapon in the airstrike. The school was housing 350 displaced Palestinian families. The Israeli airstrike was condemned by many nations and the European Union.

But the United States is still sending more weapons to Netanyahu’s regime.

There is one way to end Netanyahu’s onslaught on Gaza: Congress and the Biden administration must stop sending weapons to the Israeli military.

ACTION: Add your name: Not another nickel for Netanyahu’s war. End US funding and weapons sales to Israel!

The US government’s concerns over dead civilians means nothing without changing policy. Netanyahu cannot continue the atrocities in Gaza without US support and weapons.

Instead of changing policy, the US is sending more weapons to Netanyahu and increasing American troop presence in the Middle East. This is not the way forward.

When Democrats and Republicans welcomed Netanyahu to speak in front of Congress recently, Netanyahu used the time to vilify protestors and compare them to terrorists. That’s exactly what Speaker Johnson did to Bernie — the GOP speaker said that Bernie and other lawmakers who skipped Netanyahu’s speech were “siding with evil.”

Bernie refused to back down despite this disgusting smear campaign. He skipped Netanyahu’s speech and has continued to advocate for an end to U.S support for the Israeli military’s onslaught on Gaza.

Bernie noted that while hundreds of Democrats and Republicans in Congress gave standing ovations, nearly 500,000 Palestinians faced starvation. Tens of thousands of Palestinians have been killed by the Israeli military. And the United States has continued its policies in support of Netanyahu’s war.

Calls for a Ceasefire are critical, but so is an end to America’s continued support for the Israeli military — billions of dollars and thousands of bombs that have helped Netanyahu’s regime cause so many deaths and so much suffering in Gaza.

ACTION: Add your name: President Biden and Congress MUST end weapons sales to Israel.

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