ACTION ALERT: Biden’s Nuclear Plans

August 31st, 2024 - by CODEPINK

Unveiled: Joe Biden’s
Secret Dangerous Nuclear Strategy

(August 30, 2024) — Last week, the New York Times unveiled a classified “nuclear strategy” that Biden approved earlier this year. The strategy marks a significant shift from post-Cold War era efforts to reduce global nuclear risk, and instead cites the need for increased “deterrence” when it comes to Russia, North Korea, and China.

US deterrence policy means one thing: more. More weapons, more military spending, and more nuclear bombs.

Deterrence is a false promise – an excuse for bolstering our government’s military budget and pushing us closer to a cataclysmic war with China. Simply put, more nuclear weapons makes nuclear war more likely, not less. 


The report claims there is a need to prepare against “coordinated attacks” by Russia, North Korea, and China, which simply isn’t true. Lyle Goldstein, acting Director of the think tank Defense Priorities and former professor at the US Naval War Academy, says “there is little or no evidence to suggest a serious degree of coordination between Moscow and Beijing, let alone with Pyongyang, on the use of nuclear weapons.” 

As Washington considers expanding its nuclear arsenal to combat this false threat, it continues to conduct nuclear war exercises along the Korean peninsula, heightening the possibility of confrontation and threatening the stability of the region.

US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan claims there is “limited opportunity” to talk with China about nuclear nonproliferation, which is also false. In fact, the US and China initially resumed nuclear arms talks in March for the first time in five years. These discussions were suspended in July due to the US increasing arms sales to Taiwan. 

Experts expect a “boom” in the nuclear industry in the coming years. Already, billions of tax dollars are being spent reviving it – tax dollars that would be better spent on infrastructure, healthcare, and education rather than radioactive, cancerous nuclear weapon programs.*

It is clear that nuclear policy is regressing back to the Cold War era in conjunction with our government’s needless push for war against China and the rapid militarization of the Asia Pacific region. We must demand our government cease its reckless, war-mongering behavior, and instead engage in productive, diplomatic discussions with China on nuclear disarmament.

ACTION: Tell Biden, Blinken, and Sullivan no nuclear proliferation! No nuclear war games. We need diplomacy between the US and China, not more nuclear warheads!

Peace and solidarity,
Megan, Jodie, and the CODEPINK Team

ACTION: Want to learn about China’s climate initiatives? Come to our webinar, The Rise of Green China