How Are Ukraine and Palestine Different?

August 31st, 2024 - by Marcy Winograd / CODEPINK

How Are Ukraine and Palestine Different?
Marcy Winograd / CODEPINK

(August 30, 2024) — Palestine is an Israeli settler-colonial project funded and armed by the United States to control the people and resources of the Middle East. Ukraine, however, is a US/NATO proxy in a war with Russia, a superpower rival situated next to Ukraine. The United States wants to control both Palestine and Ukraine in order to dominate the world and remain the world’s sole superpower.

Palestine is occupied by Israel, a Zionist country bent on ethnic cleansing and genocide to maintain a racist Jewish ethno-state.

Ukranine, part of Russia for 200 years, has been a divided country, West versus East, since World War II when the West sided with Germany’s Hitler and the East, largely ethnic Russian, sided with the Soviet Union’s Stalin.

In short, one land is occupied; the other is divided — though both face the horrors of slaughter.

The war on Palestine dates back to 1948 when Zionist terrorist militias destroyed Palestinian villages in what is known as The Nakba or The Catastrophe. Today, we witness the second Nakba as Israel — with US weapons — kills or wound over 100,000 Palestinians while destroying hospitals, schools, universities, refugee camps and escape routes and imposing mass starvation on 2.3 million Palestinians.

The war in Ukraine dates back to 2014 when the US backed a right-wing coup to overthrow the democratically elected government of Ukraine. The coup triggered a civil war in eastern Ukraine where ethnic Russians rejected the drive for Ukrainian homogeneity under the banner of nationalism and begged Russia to come to their defense against Ukrainian fascist militias.

Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022 after repeatedly warning the US not to expand NATO — a nuclear-armed alliance — up to Russia’s border. The US ignored the warnings and for decades refused to negotiate with Russia to curb NATO expansion.

Key Demands for Both

Palestine is an Israeli settler-colonial project funded and armed by the United States to control the people and resources of the Middle East. Ukraine, however, is a US/NATO proxy in a war with Russia, a superpower rival situated next to Ukraine. The United States wants to control both Palestine and Ukraine in order to dominate the world and remain the world’s sole superpower.

Palestine is occupied by Israel, a Zionist country bent on ethnic cleansing and genocide to maintain a racist Jewish ethno-state.

Ukraine, part of Russia for 200 years, has been a divided country, West versus East, since World War II when the West sided with Germany’s Hitler and the East, largely ethnic Russian, sided with the Soviet Union’s Stalin.

In short, one land is occupied; the other is divided — though both face the horrors of slaughter.

The war on Palestine dates back to 1948 when Zionist terrorist militias destroyed Palestinian villages in what is known as The Nakba or The Catastrophe. Today, we witness the second Nakba as Israel — with US weapons — kills or wound over 100,000 Palestinians while destroying hospitals, schools, universities, refugee camps and escape routes and imposing mass starvation on 2.3 million Palestinians.

The war in Ukraine dates back to 2014 when the US backed a right-wing coup to overthrow the democratically elected government of Ukraine. The coup triggered a civil war in eastern Ukraine where ethnic Russians rejected the drive for Ukrainian homogeneity under the banner of nationalism and begged Russia to come to their defense against Ukrainian fascist militias.

Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022 after repeatedly warning the US not to expand NATO — a nuclear-armed alliance — up to Russia’s border. The US ignored the warnings and for decades refused to negotiate with Russia to curb NATO expansion.