ACTION ALERT: Ask UN to Pressure the US on Genocide

September 14th, 2024 - by CODEPINK Petition for Gaza

Is the Genocide Coonvention just a scrap of paper or is it a tool for justince?

Ask the UN to Pressure the US on Genocide
CODEPINK Petition for Gaza

(September 13, 2024) — For almost a year, Palestinians in Gaza have been tormented by bombs, starvation, and lack of access to basic necessities. Like many of you, I’m baffled by the inaction of the international community to stop this. The genocide continues because Israel is fully backed by the US — the most powerful nation in the world.

UN member states have made individual and joint attempts over recent months to pass ceasefire resolutions to stop the killing in Gaza — only to be met with a veto from the United States. 

The UN has an opportunity to stand up to the hegemony of the US and pass a resolution that would override its veto power and make real progress to end this genocide. Tell the UN to pass the “Uniting for Peace” resolution now!

👉 Override The Security Council And Demand Immediate Peace In Gaza!

The Uniting for Peace resolution is applicable when the UN Security Council fails to exercise its responsibility to maintain international peace and security. For months, the UN General Assembly was passing resolutions that would help end the genocide, only for those resolutions to be routinely vetoed by the US If countries like the US can veto the wishes of most of the world, we will never achieve peace!
ACTION: Sign the petition now — we need as many signatures as possible before our team in New York delivers the petition to UN Member States on Monday!

👉 Tell the UN: Use your power to end the genocide!

Nearly 200,000 Palestinians have been murdered in Gaza — a number that we can’t even trust is accurate because Israel is using the largest, most inhumane weapons they have to ensure Palestinians won’t be able to recover the remains of their family members. Israeli airstrikes on Gazans in tents are leaving behind massive craters in the ground, with people buried alive in the sand. If the United Nations really wants to take action and stop a genocide, they can. It’s up to us to pressure them to do so!

👉 Take Action for Gaza Every Day:

Until Liberation,
Nour and the entire CODEPINK team