ACTION ALERT: No to War 2024 — A Global, 3-Day Event, Sept. 20-22

September 14th, 2024 - by World BEYOND War

No to War 2024 — A Global, 3-Day Event

World BEYOND War

(September 9, 2024) — Save the Date! World BEYOND War’s annual global conference, #NoWar2024: Resisting the USA’s Military Empire, will be happening September 20-22. Join us virtually – or in-person in Australia, Germany, Colombia, and the US – to learn about the impact of the USA’s military base empire and how to resist it. Learn more and register here!

Welcome to the #NoWar2024 Conference, coming up soon on September 20-22! Over 70 organizations from around the world have endorsed or sponsored the event. Can you help us make a final push to share the event? Here’s how:

Here’s the conference website with all of the event details.

The #NoWar2024 Conference:
Resisting the US Military Empire!

Come celebrate the International Day of Peace (September 21) with us by attending #NoWar2024, either online or in-person in one of our 4 conference locations: Washington, DC; Sydney, Australia; Bogotá, Colombia; and Wanfried, Germany.

#NoWar2024 will bring together activists from dozens of countries to examine the impacts of the USA’s network of foreign military bases, which provoke war, pollute communities, and steal land from Indigenous peoples. Over 40 speakers from around the world will address the social, ecological, economic, and geopolitical impacts of US military bases in their regions, plus the powerful stories of nonviolent resistance to prevent, close, and convert bases to peacetime uses.

Register to Attend the #NoWar2024 Conference Online or In-Person!

#NoWar2024 Conference Schedule:

All sessions will be live-streamed on Zoom with in-person events in Sydney, Australia; Wanfried, Germany; Bogotá, Colombia; and Washington, DC, USA:

Day 1: Friday, September 20 — Australia

September 20 @ 7:00pm-11:00pm Eastern Daylight Time (GMT-4) /
September 21 @ 9:00am-1:00pm Sydney Local Time
Acknowledgement of Country: Pastor Ray Minniecon, Kabi Kabi and Gureng Gureng Elder
Introduction: Alison Broinowski, WBW Board Member and former diplomat

Session 1: The Problem

  • Karina Lester, Indigenous anti-nuclear activist and ICAN Ambassador
  • Peter Cronau, journalist and author of The Base: Australia’s secret role in America’s global wars
  • Bob Carr, former Australian Minister for Foreign Affairs
  • Dr Sue Wareham, President, Medical Association for the Prevention of War
  • Moderator: Dr Keith Suter, global futurist and commentator on international affairs

Session 2: The Solution

  • Lilli Barto, campaigner for Wage Peace
  • Amy McQuire, Darumbal and South Sea Islander journalist
  • Dr Albert Palazzo, strategic military policy thinker and formerly the long-serving Director of War Studies for the Australian Army

Moderator: Melanie Morrison, Director at the Sydney Peace Foundation

Day 2: Saturday, September 21 –
International Day of Peace

Part 1 — Germany
September 21 @ 8:00am-12:00pm Eastern Daylight Time (GMT-4) /
2:00pm-6:00pm Germany Local Time

Welcome: Wolfgang Lieberknecht, World BEYOND War Wanfried Chapter Co-Coordinator and Co-Founder of the International Peace Factory Wanfried
Performance by Black+White and short video of “Overcoming borders by cultural cooperation” between Germany and Russia

Session 1: US and NATO Imperialism across Europe

  • Glenn Diesen, Norwegian academic and political scientist
  • Karl Heinz Peil, campaigner with Stopp Air Base Ramstein and creator of
  • Heike Hänsel, former member of the German Bundestag
  • Florina Tufescu and Maria Cernat, World BEYOND War Romania Chapter Co-Coordinators
  • Moderator: Wolfgang Lieberknecht, World BEYOND War Wanfried Chapter Co-Coordinator and Co-Founder of the International Peace Factory Wanfried

Session 2: Nonviolent Resistance to Stop Bases in Europe

  • Jan Tamas of the No to Bases Initiative that successfully blocked a US military base in the Czech Republic
  • Persida Jovanovic and Milan Sekulovic of the Save Sinjajevina campaign that successfully blocked a NATO military training ground in the beautiful mountain pastures of Montenegro
  • Bernhard Trautvetter, who will speak about ongoing movements in Germany to close the Ramstein and Büchel bases

Reiner Braun, former Executive Director of the International Peace Bureau, who will speak about upcoming opportunities to take action in Germany.

Part 2 — Colombia
September 21 @ 3:00pm-7:00pm Eastern Daylight Time (GMT-4) / 
2:00pm-6:00pm Bogotá Local Time
Welcome: Gabriel Aguirre, World BEYOND War’s Latin America Organizer
Performance by Bogotan artist La Tata Mendoza

Session 1: The Problem of Militarization in Latin America 

  • Diana Salcedo López, president of LIMPAL, the Colombia section of the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF)
  • Alejandra Rodríguez Peña, member of the Olga Castillo Collective, an organization that works for justice and reparations for victims of sexual violence by US military personnel in Colombia
  • Laura Benítez, a marine biologist and activist opposing the construction of a US base on Gorgona Island in Colombia
  • Paola Renata Gallo Pelaez, Co-President of Mopassol, a movement opposing the construction of a US military base in Tierra del Fuego, Argentina
  • Victor Gaute, Vice President of the Cuban Institute of Friendship with the Peoples
  • Moderator: Alejandro Parra Macías, founding member of the Collective Action of Conscientious Objectors ACOOC
  • Session 2: Nonviolent Resistance to Close Bases in Latin America: Three Case Studies 
  • Myrna Pagán, founder of Vieques Conservation and Historical Trust and Vidas Viequenses Valen
  • Edgar Jay Stephens, leader of the Providencia Fishermen’s Cooperative
  • Ricardo Armando Patiño Aroca, former Minister of Foreign Affairs and Minister of Defense of Ecuador during the government of Rafael Correa

Moderator: Alicia Cabezudo, General Coordinator for Latin America & the Caribbean of the Global Alliance for Missions & Infrastructures for Peace-GAMIP.

Day 3: Sunday, September 22 — Washington
September 22 @ 1:00pm-5:00pm Eastern Daylight Time (GMT-4) / Washington DC Local Time
Welcome: John Reuwer, WBW board member
Spoken word poetry by Marjan Naderi, an Afghan-American poet and performer, and the former DC Youth Poet Laureate (2020)
Session 1: Mapping Out the Empire: Socioeconomic Costs of Bases

  • David Swanson, World BEYOND War’s Co-Founder and Executive Director
  • Dr. Cynthia Enloe, author of Bananas, Beaches and Bases
  • Khury Petersen-Smith, the Michael Ratner Middle East Fellow at Institute for Policy Studies
  • Moderator: Jessica Sun, a member of the Leadership Team for the Pax Christi Young Adult Caucus
  • Session 2: Toxic Impacts of Empire: Linking Environmental Justice & Anti-War Movements
  • Kazuyuki “Kaz” Nakazato, Director of the Okinawa Prefectural Government (OPG) Washington DC Office
  • Jared Hayes, Environmental Working Group (EWG)’s Senior Policy Analyst
  • Megan Russell, Coordinator of CODEPINK’S China is Not Our Enemy Campaign
  • Moderator: Pat Elder, Director, Military Poisons

Closing Remarks: Kathy Kelly

ACTION: Get your ticket to join us on Zoom or in-person!
Hope to see you at #NoWar2024 this September 20-22, World BEYOND War Board President.

Greta Zarro
Organizing Director
World BEYOND War