ACTION ALERT; Stop Shooting Gaza Children

October 13th, 2024 - by RootsAction

Stop Israel from Shooting Gaza’s Children

Two days ago, The New York Times — which is usually supportive of US and Israeli militarism — did something very different. It extensively documented how the Israeli military is shooting little children in Gaza in the head and chest.

There is no legal, moral, religious, or political argument to make this acceptable. Here are some ways you can help:

You can also share this email and this video: RootsAction national director Norman Solomon was the guest on C-SPAN’s live Washington Journal program in late September. Norman denounced the US government’s support for Israeli “terrorism” in Gaza and Lebanon. You can sample what he had to say in a 25-second snippet here, or watch the entire 45-minute interview here.

You can also tell CNN to stop lying, and — if you’re from Michiganurge your Attorney General to try a different line of work.

There are many other things happening.

If you’re from one of the 26 states lacking automatic voter registrationdo something about it.

If you’re from one of the 33 states not helping get rid of the Electoral Collegedo something about it.

If you’re from New Yorkvote Yes on Proposition 1 to strengthen the non-discrimination wording in the state constitution.

If you’re from Alaskavote Yes for a better minimum wage.

If you’re from Californiavote Yes for a better minium wage.

If you’re from Missouri, vote Yes for a better minimum wage.

If you’re from Massachusetts, vote Yes for a better minimum wage.

If you’re from Pennsylvania, help prevent the re-opening of the Three Mile Island nuclear power plant.

If you’re from anywherestart a petition for something you care about here