ACTION ALERT: A Plea to UN Chief Antonio Guterres

October 17th, 2024 - by Genocide Alert Campaign Team / Avaaz

for Sudan Protection Mission Now
Genocide Alert Campaign Team / Avaaz

(October 15, 2024) — Two decades after the Darfur genocide, the killers are back to finish the job, and they’ll keep slaughtering and raping unless the world stops them. People all around Sudan urgently need a protection mission, and the UN chief needs global support to stare down big powers standing in the way. We only have days.

Sign Now

In the heart of Darfur, survivors of the 2003 genocide are starving and holding their breath in humanitarian camps, waiting for death to strike again – and the world is looking away.

The genocidal militia that haunts their nightmares is back to finish the job, and has left a trail of blood, ashes and tears in its wake. Their horrifying script is always the same: they line up men and boys to execute them, before gang-raping women and girls.

The international community has been shamefully paralysed in the face of this unspeakable horror. Now one man’s decision will be pivotal for the protection mission Sudanese people urgently need. 

The UN Secretary-General is about to present his recommendations to protect civilians in Sudan to the Security Council – and Antonio Guterres is under pressure to leave the most decisive options out. Global support can help him stare down big powers, but we only have days before he finalizes his report. Add your name and ask your friends to sign now, so we can bring the biggest petition possible straight to his desk.

ACTION: Tell the UN chief to back a protection mission for Sudan

There are no good guys fighting in Sudan’s devastating war, just more atrocities everywhere you look. The rival generals who started it all have already set the country on fire as they seek to hold on to power – and Sudan is now facing one of the worst famines in history. Millions could die unless we act now.

Yet all around the country, Sudanese people of all walks of life have shown incredible courage: women who survived ethnic cleansing defied impossible odds to bring the rest of their families to safety, and young people everywhere have set up mutual aid groups for their communities where international aid wasn’t coming.

We need Antonio Guterres to show the same courage right now, and to recommend the UN Security Council authorise a mission to protect civilians from atrocities in Sudan. So here’s the plan: sign and share this call now – Avaaz will work with allies to deliver our call to the UN chief.

When all seemed lost, our community refused to look away, and stood side by side with incredibly brave Sudanese people keeping hope alive. Thousands of us rushed generous donations to fund local aid groups serving their communities in the midst of war, and teams of investigators breaking the blackout to expose the warlords’ horrors. With every action we take together, we refuse to let the world ignore Sudan any longer.

To the UN Secretary General António Guterres
and Members of the Security Council:

Two decades after the Darfur genocide, we can’t abandon survivors to face more horrors and death. We call on you to do everything in your power to send an urgent international protection presence to Sudan, to respond to their plight and save lives.

With hope and determination,
John, Marie, Will and the whole Avaaz team


More Information:

What’s happening in Sudan’s civil war? | Start Here (Al Jazeera – Video)

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