Resolution from the Sixth Conference
For World Balance in Havana
World BEYOND War
HAVANA (January 31, 2025) — We are determined to work for the elimination of war, empire, occupation, and unilateral, illegal sanctions against populations. We support the abolition of NATO, and of the US Southern Command, and of similar military alliances and commands everywhere.
We support a sovereign Cuba and a Guantanamo that is returned to Cuba, where humane and legal activities are conducted. We support a sovereign Venezuela and oppose all sanctions and threats of foreign military intervention, as well as an end to the war in Colombia and for peace with social justice.
We advocate the closure of all military bases; we support Honduras’ proposal to close the US base there; and we oppose Ecuador’s proposal to allow US bases on its territory. We will participate in the February 23 Global Day of Action to Close Bases. Latin America must be a zone of peace. The world must become a zone of peace with a foreign policy guided by the principles of Common Security.
We will work for an end to the corruption of the US government and all governments by the military industrial complex, and for more investment in human and environmental needs. We say with José Martí: “homeland is humanity”.
We highlight the World BEYOND War Peace Declaration, which is summarized as follows: “We pledge to participate in and support nonviolent efforts to end all wars and preparations for war and to create a sustainable and just peace”.
Down with imperialism!
Long live sovereign Cuba!
Long live peace!
Long live the united peoples!