Together, Let’s Block Trump’s
“Blank Check” for PM Netanyahu
Ceasefire Update: Win Without War
For 42 days, a life-saving ceasefire stopped the Israeli military’s relentless bombing of Gaza. The threat of famine was reduced as nearly 21,000 trucks delivered aid. Hundreds of thousands of people returned home to search for survivors and rebuild. 33 Israeli hostages were returned to their loved ones, and thousands of families were made whole.
Now, the entire world is holding a collective breath as we wonder whether the bombings will restart or if a renewed pause is possible.
With the ceasefire’s future in doubt, we’re redoubling our work to save lives before the violence begins. Unfortunately, the challenges we face are immense. Even before officially taking office, Trump wrote Prime Minister Netanyahu a ‘blank check’ to do whatever he pleases. He backed that up with plans to take over Gaza, kick out two million people, and turn the land into a resort, while expediting sales of BILLIONS of dollars in bombs and offensive weapons to the Israeli government.
The good news? Trump isn’t the only voice that speaks for the United States. Right now, a seismic shift is happening in Congress as Reps. Rashida Tlaib and Pramila Jayapal join Sen. Bernie Sanders in the effort to block more than $8 BILLION of these offensive weapons sales with a package of Joint Resolutions of Disapproval (JRDs).
Their leadership has re-opened a crucial opportunity to get U.S. policy back in line with U.S. law, force the U.S. government to use its massive influence to save lives — and remind the world that no matter who sits in the Oval Office, there are still people in the United States deeply committed to peace.
One thing remains as true today as it did in the hours before the ceasefire lapsed: It was diplomacy, NOT military action, that avoided a famine, stopped bombs, and brought the hostages home.
As one of the Israeli government’s closest supporters, the U.S. government will play a key role in what happens next, and that means we need to keep the pressure ON in Congress.
The consequences of the ceasefire’s lapse were immediate. The price of necessities in Gaza quickly tripled, leaving many hundreds of thousands of people unable to afford flour and vegetables. Israeli authorities closed the borders and blocked humanitarian aid from entering Gaza — an action they say is backed by the U.S. government.
While Trump fans the flames with threats of ethnic cleansing and weapons sales, the reality for millions of people across the Middle East remains delicate and dire. Days ago, Netanyahu sent tanks into the West Bank for the first time in two decades, telling them to prepare for “an extended stay”.
It’s a wildly dangerous moment to give the Israeli government a massive new influx of bombs and bullets.
That makes the push to build support for this latest round of JRDs so important — and so urgent. But the good news is that momentum is building. In early 2024, just 11 senators voted to request a simple human rights report on the Israeli government’s actions in Gaza. But with the support of activists like you, alongside partners across the movement, we pushed the number of senators willing to vote to BLOCK weapons sales altogether to 19 by November.
It’s incredible progress, and we CANNOT let up now. With a renewed legislative fight on the horizon, and a chance to build the kind of power that can save lives and stop a war, Win Without War is gearing up to give it EVERYTHING we’ve got. Will you join in?
It’ll be anything but easy, but the fact is that if we want to end U.S. complicity in Gaza and beyond, it’s going to take majorities in Congress — which we will only win through relentless advocacy and nonstop grassroots organizing. But that doesn’t happen on its own. This effort takes resources, which is why we’re asking.
If you’re thinking, “this feels impossible”, you wouldn’t be alone. As we navigate the heartbreak of yet another lost opportunity for a path toward peace, it’s easy to feel despair — but hope isn’t lost.
It’s this community that time and time again inspires us to keep going. You are the people who refuse to look away. You are the ones who will help build the world we all want and deserve: One where we all live and thrive without the threat of violence.
Our work doesn’t end until every hostage is reunited with their families, the bombing of Gaza stops, and we’ve opened a path to a sustainable peace for people in both Israel and Palestine.
With our amazing team, movement partners running alongside us, and the hundreds of thousands of activists like you joining in support, Win Without War can make the impossible possible. And we will do it, together.
Thank you for working for peace,
The Win Without War team