8th March: Pacifist Origins of the Holiday

March 10th, 2025 - by Free Civilians

Yurii Sheliazhenko / Ukrainian Pacifist Movement

:  Herald of Peace and Conscientious Objection (Ukraine), translated from Facebook page of the Ukrainian Pacifist Movement.

8th March: the Pacifist Origins of
International Women’s Day

Free Civilians

KYIV (March 8, 2025) — Congratulations to pacifist women on the International Women’s Day!

Interestingly, this holiday was initiated by Theresa Malkiel born in Podillia region of Ukraine.

Theresa Malkiel

Let us not forget the origins of the holiday in this disturbing spring, when in hearts there is hope for peace, in the news there is fear of a more terrible war, and men are brutally taken into bloody captivity, to fight on the fronts of Russian aggression and, unfortunately, a forced Ukrainian defensive war, the best alternative to which could have been successful mass non-violent resistance to Russian aggression.

Theresa’s US colleague in the movement for the rights of working women, Kate O’Hare, was mercilessly imprisoned for her anti-war speech at the end of the first world war in 1917. The charges against her for “attempting to persuade men to resist conscription” under the “Espionage Act” were so absurd that the entire country rose up in condemnation of the militaristic madness. Later President Coolidge pardoned Kate.

Kate O’Hare. jailed for five years for making an anti-war speech.

Theresa Malkiel wrote an article about Kate, defending the views that made her a prisoner of conscience. In this article, Theresa explained that mothers have every right to protect the lives of their sons. Theresa insisted that women should use their powers, political, economic and moral influence, so that the old dream of many generations would come true: “Peace on earth, good will among men.”

Modern women should listen to Theresa Malkiel and follow her example.

When Russian women will not let their sons and husbands to kill and die at war, this will be the best security guarantee for Ukraine. And Ukrainian women in this case will also make sure that bloodshed will not happen.