War Is a Waste
Gar Smith / Earth Island Journal (Winter 1991)
- Cost of US air war: $295 million a day.
- Cost of US ground war: $520 million a day.
- Estimated direct costs to US of a war in the Middle East: $50 billion.
- Estimated indirect costs to US of war in the Middle East: $190 billion.
- Estimated cost of damage to Iraq: $200 billion.
- Bombs dropped on Iraq and Kuwait: 141,921 tons.
- Bombs dropped on Dresden in WWII: 3421.
- Scuds dropped on Israel and Saudi Arabia: 11 tons.
- Gallons of gasoline consumed by one M1 Abrams tank per hour: 252.
- Gallons needed to support one tank in an armored division for one day: 1724.
- Number of times a Chevy Geo could circle the Earth on the same amount of fuel: 3.5
- Gallons of fuel consumed by one F-4 Phantom fighter-bomber in one hour: 1680.
- Number of flying tankers needed to keep six B-2 bombers in the air: 6.
- Gallons per day consumed by USS Independence at top speed: 150,000.
- Gallons per day consumed by USS Independence at rest: 100,000.
- Fuel consumed by ground forces during the "100-hour War": 8 million gallons.
- Carbon dioxide added to Greenhouse Effect by "100-hour War": 80,000 tons.
- Carbon dioxide added to Greenhouse Effect by burning oil wells: 100,000 tons a day.
- Oil savings squandered by Reagan-Bush roll-backs of auto-efficiency standards (in barrels per day): 1.9 million.
- Current energy savings per year from energy efficient improvements: $150 billion.
- Percentage of Energy Department budget directed toward nuclear weapons in 1990: 19.
- Percentage of Energy Department budget directed toward nuclear weapons in 1990: 59.
- Reduction of federal funding for renewable energy between 1981 and 1989: 90 percent.
- Percentage of US energy needs provided by nuclear power: 4.8.
- Percentage of US energy needs provided by renewable energy (wind, solar, hudro, biomass): 5.7.
- Percentage of US energy needs the Department of Energy estimates could be met with renewables: 75.
- Ratio of Americans opposed to nuclear power (according to George Bush's political pool): 60.
- Energy sources receiving major government subsidies under Bush's National Energy Strategy: Oil and nuclear.
- US ambassador's reply to the Senate when asked if she warned Saddam not to invade Kuwait: "I did not."
- Number of nations in UN that voted for US use of force: 11.
- Largest contributor of combat forces to Gulf War after US and Britain: Puerto Rico.
- President's reply to reporter who asked if he would send his own children to fight: Evaded question.
- Fate of Saddam Hussein's oldest son: Joined Iraqi army.
- Fate of George Bush's oldest son: Became $120,000-a-year consultant to Harkin Oil, which was awarded exclusive oil-drilling rights in Bahrain.
- Single greatest cause of US deaths during war (28 killed in Saudi barracks): Patriot missile malfunction (intercept).
- Amount of oil used to manufacture one body bag: Three cups.