Let’s Vote ‘Thumbs Down’ on Bush’s Gulf
War II
by Gar Smith, Earth Island Institute
Twelve years ago, many of
the organizations represented in this room today issued an International
Call to Action warning of the
environmental damage that war could bring to the Gulf region.
years ago, my magazine, Earth Island Journal, warned in advance
of the probable devastation a Gulf war could bring. At
the time, we feared that we would be accused of sensationalism.
When the Gulf War broke out, we realized that we had underestimated
the calamity.
Today, the sense of déjà vu is eerie.
That 1991
document declared: “We oppose innocent lives unjustly
being sacrificed to establish the beachhead for a ‘New
World Order’ base on military intervention to control
access to oil and other natural resources.”
We wrote
then: “We are deeply concerned by the immediate
and long-term environmental and human health implications
of the use of chemical, biological and nuclear weapons
[and] the potential
social and environmental catastrophe that would result
from the bombing of chemical weapons facilities, oil drilling
and refineries.”
We wrote then: “The devastation
of the land, and the subsequent creation of millions of
refugees are inevitable consequences of
a full-scale war in the Persian Gulf.”
We wrote then: “Recent
experiences in Vietnam, Central America, Afghanistan and
the Iran-Iraq war all clearly point to the grave
ecological consequences of military build-up and warfare.”
wrote then: “The only intelligent response to the
oil addiction is to reduce the demand, not to got to war
to guarantee the supply.”
Unfortunately, we also wrote
then — in 1991 — “the
[George H. W] Bush administration has no plans to change
its energy policies which… have virtually destroyed
efforts to promote energy efficiency and appropriate alternatives
to oil.”
New Units of Terror: “Murras” and “9-11”
is a city of 5 million that represents the birthplace – the
cradle – of western civilization. Half of Baghdad’s
population is under the age of 15. It is a city of
The Pentagon plans to hit Iraq with as many
as 3,000 cruise missiles in the first 48-hours of an
To put this
in terms a US
citizen can appreciate, when you think of a cruise
missile exploding, think
of the Murra Federal Office Building collapsing. The
devastation from just the cruise missile attacks would
equal 3,000
In New York City, 3,000 people died in the September
11 attacks. The potential number of civilian deaths
resulting from a
US attack could reach 500,000. That would be the equivalent
166 “9-11s.”
Watching a US airstrike on television we see a sanitized
violence — the
grainy image of a targeted building disappearing in
a silent, blinding flash of light.
When a bomb explodes,
it creates a windblast that hits
7,000 mph. The explosion destroys everything – and
everyone – within
range, sterilizing the ground with temperatures of
3,000 degrees Fahrenheit.
Even the smallest of war’s
impacts can be environmentally long lasting. In the
1940s, Gen. George S. Patton practiced tank
maneuvers in the California desserts. The marks from
those tank treads are still visible.
Gulf War II: A
Sequel the World Doesn’t Want to See
George W. Bush recently
said that the hunt for hidden weapons in Iraq was like “the
re-run of a bad movie and I’m not
sure I want to want to watch it again.”
of us in the environmental community had the same
reaction. But, for us, the re-run that we all
is the REAL “bad
movie” – a replay of spilled oil, flaming
wells, darkened skies, poisoned winds, decimated
wildlife and dying civilians.
In nature, there is
no such thing as “Going it alone.” Long-term
survival requires cooperation and adaptability. Pre-emptive
attacks are not a good strategy for long-term survival.
nature, as in life, everything is connected to everything
else. As that wise environmentalist Dwight
David Eisenhower
once observed: “Every
gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket
fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from
those who hunger and are not fed,
those who are cold and are not clothed.”
premeditated march to war is a sequel the world can
ill afford.
Gulf War II, like all bad sequels, features the same
cast of characters (Cheney, Powell, Wolfowitz)
rehashing the
same simplistic
As with most bad sequels, the only thing that promises
to set Gulf War II apart from the original is a
host of new,
At the conclusion of our remarks, I am inviting
other members of the environmental community to join me
in reviewing
George Bush’s
script for Gulf War II. I personally plan to give
this Oval Office production a “thumbs down.”
Smith, along with Peter Drekmeier and China Brotsy,
is a co-founder of Environmentalists Against War.
If you would like
a “Thumbs Down on War” poster for
your home or office, send $1 to The-Edge, c/o Gar Smith, PO Box
27, Berkeley, CA 94701.