On February 20, 2003, Environmentalists Against War convened a
press conference at the Sierra Club offices in San Francisco to
the release of a declaration called “Ten Reasons Environmentalists
Oppose an Attack on Iraq.”
The statement read as follows:
As organizations and individuals
working for the environment and environmental justice, we raised
our voices in opposition to
the invasion of Iraq and invited others to join us in support of peace.
We opposed the war on Iraq for the following reasons:
1. The
attack on Iraq could kill thousands of people. Most of the people
killed would be innocent civilians.
2. War destroys
settlements and native habitats. War destroys wildlife
and contaminates
the land, air and water. The damage can last for generations.
US clusterbombs, thermobaric explosions, electromagnetic
bursts and weapons made with depleted uranium are indiscriminate
of mass destruction.
4. Bombs pollute, poisoning the land
with unexploded shells and toxic chemicals. Bombs can't locate
neatly destroy
hidden chemical or biological weapons (CBW), but they
can cause the uncontrolled spread of deadly CBW agents.
5. Fighting
war for oil is ultimately self-defeating.
6. Pre-emptive
attacks are
acts of aggression.
7. Aggression invites retaliation.
Increased military spending (to control access to the
fuel that powers
our oil-based economy) drains funds from critical
social, educational, medical and environmental needs.
9. Militarization
and the war
terrorism are eroding America's freedoms
at home.
10. The
US has threatened to strike Iraq with nuclear
weapons - the
ultimate weapons of mass destruction.
Within weeks, the declaration had been endorsed by more than 100
environmental and social justice organizations in a dozen countries.
The complete statement may be found at the Media
Center on our